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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
252Ugra CTF Quals 2023100.00000.636
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
1401Hack The Boo850.00004.188
191RITSEC CTF 2022597.00001.929
250VishwaCTF 20221981.00002.054
147UMDCTF 20221646.00002.174
124Real World CTF 4th99.00001.688
44TetCTF 2022939.00003.669

Overall rating place: 946 with 32.067 pts in 2021

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
131X-MAS CTF 2021 Second Weekend523.00000.695
286Cyber Santa is Coming to Town3350.000010.435
1155DEADFACE CTF10.00000.040
307Pwn2Win CTF 202150.00000.883
171HeroCTF v3655.00002.402
406ångstromCTF 2021515.00003.854
158UMassCTF 2021941.00002.982
78Codefest CTF 20201417.00007.211
2939NahamCon CTF 2021100.00000.093
312DiceCTF 2021116.00000.685
2050x41414141 CTF834.00000.000
456TetCTF 2021100.00000.319
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
209Brixel CTF winter edition330.00000.000
28WeCTF 2020+1309.00006.121
110BSides Algiers 2021 Quals50.00000.374
116X-MAS CTF 20201599.00000.000
49boot2root 20202266.00003.836
354pbctf 20201.00000.075

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