Fri, 26 March 2021, 22:00 UTC — Sun, 28 March 2021, 22:00 UTC 


UMassCTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 23.56 

Rating weight: 23.56 

Event organizers 

First annual UMassCTF, hosted by the University of Massachusetts Amherst Cybersecurity Club.

Sponsored by: Google Cloud, HackTheBox, Akami, TryHackMe, Offensive Security, American Tower, University of Massachusetts Amherst



1st Place: Google Cloud Merch & Trophies, 5 x 6 Month HTB VIP
2nd Place: Google Merch, 5 x 3 Month HTB VIP
3rd Place: 5 x 1 Month HTB VIP

TryHackMe Vouchers for one top 30 team. Additional prizes for UMass students

You must be an undergraduate team to qualify for prizes


660 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 FluxFingers 7827.00047.120
2 C4T BuT S4D 7328.00033.838
3 zzz 6329.00026.904
4 pingCTF 5828.00023.433
5 AntiBuddies 5332.00020.762
6 coldboots 5331.00019.973
7 Scavenger Security 5330.00019.410
8 DarkArmy 5330.00018.989
9 Pwn Intended 5328.00018.656
10 1eq0and1ne0 5328.00018.394
11 CTF Community 4833.00016.690
12 K3RN3L4RMY 4833.00016.511
13 HuntsvilleTechSupport 4833.00016.360
14 d4rkc0de 4832.00016.228
15 MonSec 4832.00016.115
16 SmartCabbage 4394.00014.699
17 TheRomanXpl0it 4369.00014.537
18 fearless 4368.00014.457
19 UQCyberSquad 4333.00014.283
20 AdelaideB9 3873.00012.836
21 xXxpassword123xXx 3873.00012.780
22 UQCyberC 3872.00012.726
23 0xFEE1900D 3784.00012.415
24 Dashu 3614.00011.860
25 Fear he who fears nothing 3449.00011.324
26 bestbestbest 3442.00011.267
27 obelus 3438.00011.221
28 dcua 3402.00011.082
29 warlockr0otx 3373.00010.965
30 uqam? 3357.00010.890
31 ret2school 3353.00010.853
32 CyKOR 3353.00010.829
33 Neutrino_Cannon 3334.00010.750
34 noraneco 3212.00010.361
35 AmpunBangJago 3093.0009.983
36 QSFH 2939.0009.501
37 Inner Savages 2939.0009.483
38 meraxes 2939.0009.467
39 setsitua 2919.0009.391
40 Not The PPP 2900.0009.318
41 HDFR 2896.0009.292
42 ISITDTU 2857.0009.161
43 buttf14g 2811.0009.009
44 RUSEC 2705.0008.678
45 blackjackets 2693.0008.630
46 Dog 1.2 2663.0008.528
47 uwu chamber 2609.0008.355
48 OpenToAll 2601.0008.320
49 5Minutes 2554.0008.169
50 A<3 2466.0007.894
51 w1ldc4t 2462.0007.873
52 Osprey Security 2443.0007.807
53 Nupakachi 2427.0007.750
54 Weak But Leet 2423.0007.730
55 Shellogg's 2416.0007.701
56 hack^3 2412.0007.681
57 Team-MA 2412.0007.674
58 thehackerscrew 2396.0007.618
59 TheSealingIsTheLimit 2268.0007.226
60 Shellphish 2257.0007.186
61 (l00p3r1n0;cat) > fs0c13ty 2225.0007.084
62 GoCyber 2174.0006.924
63 Binary Ducks 2152.0006.852
64 M3di0cr3s 2148.0006.834
65 Kza 2144.0006.816
66 dad 2069.0006.585
67 MorningLightMountain 2062.0006.558
68 ISwearIGoogledIt 2043.0006.496
69 Quarks and Gluons 2034.0006.464
70 Area 51 2032.0006.453
71 Here4beer 2032.0006.448
72 avokadi 2032.0006.444
73 ByteSized 2032.0006.439
74 TheGoonies 2024.0006.411
75 deSTRUCTors 1977.0006.265
76 fr334aks 1966.0006.228
77 karidesler 1962.0006.212
78 m1t0 1921.0006.084
79 PukPuk 1904.0006.029
80 Debugmen 1848.0005.857
81 The Additional Payphones 1832.0005.805
82 0x7359 1821.0005.769
83 scriptohio 1821.0005.765
84 :v 1794.0005.681
85 rigamaroo 1786.0005.653
86 BYU1 1768.0005.596
87 3rd string 1756.0005.557
88 Yumemi​ 1750.0005.535
89 Ek1p_EC 1738.0005.496
90 MOCTF 1725.0005.454
91 Fuoristina 1725.0005.451
92 onotch 1698.0005.367
93 Red Knights 1671.0005.283
94 AchiPwn 1671.0005.281
95 Wanna.W1n 1594.0005.046
96 int3 1592.0005.037
97 fibonhack 1590.0005.029
98 mcmayhem 1577.0004.987
99 tomcr00se 1574.0004.976
100 RPCA Cyber Club 1570.0004.961
101 [email protected] 1569.0004.956
102 U+180E 1532.0004.842
103 AUEHC 1512.0004.780
104 c0nc0r 1482.0004.687
105 Antivirus 1482.0004.685
106 xrzhev 1482.0004.683
107 _n00bz 1469.0004.642
108 POI 1432.0004.529
109 derelict 1432.0004.527
110 [email protected] 1419.0004.486
111 1None 1418.0004.481
112 irNoobs 1404.0004.437
113 5h4d0wb10k3r 1391.0004.396
114 {The NaN Squad} 1391.0004.394
115 y0d31 1389.0004.386
116 Lemineho 1375.0004.342
117 Methamphetamin 1364.0004.307
118 PHhackers 1329.0004.200
119 ZEBBES 1326.0004.189
120 Terminal Cats 1326.0004.188
121 TourRadar 1325.0004.183
122 VIKiN9Z 1318.0004.160
123 badsctr 1302.0004.111
124 5quad 0f 1ncredible 1241.0003.926
125 b01lers 1240.0003.921
126 abhay 1225.0003.874
127 Tinfoil Hats 1210.0003.828
128 UVeBinPwned 1186.0003.754
129 Nullz 1160.0003.674
130 Piperakos Team 1125.0003.568
131 harpoteamteam 1109.0003.518
132 W3rni0 1100.0003.490
133 illmob 1085.0003.443
134 m1dn8 1063.0003.376
135 SSNAud 1063.0003.374
136 noob-atbash 1050.0003.334
137 SiemBiotic 1050.0003.333
138 Boron Throwers 1050.0003.331
139 ByteBandits 1045.0003.315
140 EchoSec 1041.0003.302
141 0xdeadbeef 1034.0003.280
142 kaiser 1032.0003.272
143 DNC&G 1032.0003.271
144 wolvsec 1032.0003.270
145 CCUG 1030.0003.263
146 PwnFunction 1030.0003.262
147 Lev8L 1019.0003.228
148 Conspiracy club 1019.0003.226
149 The Burritos 1007.0003.189
150 IsolatingBeforeItWasCool 1000.0003.167
151 Sieberrsec 998.0003.160
152 x6C6F747573 984.0003.117
153 RedViper 984.0003.116
154 My4nM4r 982.0003.109
155 Hacklabor 980.0003.102
156 Nameshield-CTF 953.0003.020
157 CPTs Union 952.0003.016
158 micromaster 941.0002.982
159 sh -a ./chiku 941.0002.981
160 w0rmT34M 934.0002.959
161 Enigma 919.0002.913
162 0ne_d1recti0n 914.0002.897
163 UQ Cyber 903.0002.863
164 RhinehartsOysterBar 891.0002.826
165 Raise the Flag 891.0002.825
166 paulie 891.0002.824
167 Skiddies 891.0002.823
168 MonkeyClickerTeam 876.0002.777
169 rabbit_carrot 869.0002.755
170 M4SK3D 857.0002.718
171 NicDumZ 853.0002.705
172 MaitroCTF 841.0002.668
173 INSSec 829.0002.632
174 APT 091 828.0002.628
175 hackbuster 803.0002.552
176 WhiteGive 803.0002.551
177 PF2 791.0002.514
178 M4lw4r3 791.0002.513
179 White-Hat Legion 779.0002.476
180 Dev 778.0002.473
181 Thunk 778.0002.472
182 1ucas 753.0002.396
183 qemutherapy 753.0002.395
184 babar 741.0002.359
185 Neme$is 729.0002.322
186 PatanjaliHax 728.0002.318
187 RKTEAM 728.0002.317
188 dark_crawlers 728.0002.317
189 TuxTheXplorer 713.0002.271
190 undefined 700.0002.231
191 NaijaSecForce 698.0002.224
192 l4sh 698.0002.224
193 potatoborn 691.0002.202
194 BurgerBob 679.0002.165
195 I n f i n i t e V o i d 678.0002.162
196 ctfChallengers 662.0002.113
197 hsvcs 661.0002.109
198 Cyber Chicken 650.0002.076
199 vip3rs 650.0002.075
200 0xPolpettOwn 650.0002.074
201 hackerman42 650.0002.074
202 CowFusion 648.0002.067
203 Cyber@UC 639.0002.040
204 Cat Training Force 635.0002.027
205 chmod111 635.0002.026
206 anakta 628.0002.005
207 xof5566 625.0001.995
208 saayuuk1 613.0001.958
209 PwnAlPesto 600.0001.919
210 N0Named 600.0001.918
211 Macalone 600.0001.918
212 Class3E 600.0001.917
213 Splintersec 600.0001.917
214 MasterBooter 600.0001.916
215 100ping!attack 600.0001.916
216 butt0w5k1 600.0001.915
217 Team Under Achievers 599.0001.912
218 dashel 585.0001.869
219 Zero-Knowledge 584.0001.865
220 davuk 569.0001.820
221 mark0smith 569.0001.819
222 MIT_TEAM 562.0001.798
223 Blue Hens 561.0001.794
224 NULL 561.0001.794
225 h4ck0c10ck 550.0001.760
226 ru7ynk4 550.0001.760
227 Learning Is Fun! 550.0001.759
228 Hep15 550.0001.759
229 AndayWalaBurger 550.0001.758
230 Sunnies Club 550.0001.758
231 team rocket 550.0001.758
232 SecureMature 550.0001.757
233 h8lsctf 550.0001.757
234 StarJammers 550.0001.756
235 flib 546.0001.744
236 Cameronol 530.0001.695
237 NUers 519.0001.662
238 priyansh 519.0001.661
239 WaletSec 519.0001.661
240 CYberMouflons 519.0001.660
241 Meu_Sec 519.0001.660
242 IScream 512.0001.639
243 ILikeTurtles 511.0001.635
244 team11 500.0001.602
245 kasiatutej 500.0001.601
246 407.dc 500.0001.601
247 3rk1n 500.0001.600
248 h@cZXI 500.0001.600
249 existential_crisis 500.0001.600
250 Leet Legacies 500.0001.599
251 keizured 500.0001.599
252 03311 500.0001.599
253 Wasted Potential 500.0001.598
254 iab 484.0001.550
255 cew 484.0001.549
256 geeyiiz 484.0001.549
257 0xkasper 484.0001.549
258 trololos 484.0001.548
259 NEWB#101 484.0001.548
260 Losers 472.0001.511
261 KapiSec 469.0001.502
262 ANSI_CODE1337 469.0001.502
263 jt00 461.0001.477
264 jkilopu 461.0001.477
265 treadwater 457.0001.465
266 dczia 457.0001.464
267 scopeinfinity 457.0001.464
268 nhl4000 441.0001.415
269 acdwas 441.0001.415
270 TeamH4C 441.0001.415
271 willwam845 434.0001.393
272 Dark92 434.0001.393
273 0ops 434.0001.393
274 Ghidorah 434.0001.392
275 IQ-toppene 434.0001.392
276 NaNa 434.0001.392
277 manishkumarr 430.0001.379
278 boba5 3mp1re 422.0001.355
279 swuswu2021 422.0001.355
280 Ret2Jade 407.0001.309
281 BreakingBread 407.0001.309
282 genin.team7 407.0001.309
283 PBZ 407.0001.308
284 Mit-wtf 391.0001.260
285 MonkOnMars 391.0001.260
286 beerpwn 384.0001.238
287 gal 384.0001.238
288 P1R4t35 0f W3b 372.0001.202
289 team_09723 372.0001.201
290 hsaias 372.0001.201
291 USB 357.0001.156
292 Unemployed 357.0001.155
293 T3K4 357.0001.155
294 cyberb0ts 357.0001.155
295 Rakun 341.0001.106
296 [email protected] 341.0001.106
297 e^iπ+1day 341.0001.106
298 osasku 341.0001.106
299 Team Matrix Elite Hackers 341.0001.105
300 asdasd 334.0001.084
301 CTF Team 43 334.0001.084
302 heisenberg_team 334.0001.083
303 ri5e 328.0001.065
304 ICE_HBM 328.0001.065
305 The_Slayers 328.0001.065
306 sf3du 328.0001.064
307 Ivo 291.0000.953
308 NotUMass 291.0000.952
309 PTITA 291.0000.952
310 parisbaguette 291.0000.952
311 chickenwarriors 278.0000.913
312 Stout Boys 278.0000.912
313 Tomorr0W 278.0000.912
314 OnlyFeet 278.0000.912
315 born2scan 278.0000.912
316 h4ck7u5 228.0000.761
317 Hack4Fun 228.0000.761
318 Ak4tsuki 228.0000.760
319 SASTRA 228.0000.760
320 Assassins 228.0000.760
321 javox 228.0000.760
322 0xArct1c0FF 228.0000.759
323 F1ndingN3m0 228.0000.759
324 flag{}___Orz 228.0000.759
325 vanillabase1lb 228.0000.759
326 pwndush 228.0000.759
327 The 15th Standard 228.0000.758
328 [email protected] 228.0000.758
329 stankc 200.0000.674
330 GanSw 200.0000.673
331 Bl@ckWhite 200.0000.673
332 nt 200.0000.673
333 iC3_c0r3 200.0000.673
334 Alone 178.0000.606
335 Philser 178.0000.606
336 Si Padrone 178.0000.606
337 holiday 178.0000.606
338 FreshPhish 178.0000.606
339 lftibw 178.0000.605
340 Clonk 178.0000.605
341 PwningJarvis 150.0000.521
342 Flaggermeister 150.0000.520
343 munjae_gugyeong 150.0000.520
344 Flagsomnia 150.0000.520
345 insperktorpiedone 150.0000.520
346 curveball 150.0000.520
347 TBC 150.0000.519
348 Universe 150.0000.519
349 SkidSociety 150.0000.519
350 YEP 150.0000.519
351 BigDeal 150.0000.519
352 Monk 150.0000.518
353 THCL 150.0000.518
354 slinky_with_a_lot_of_math 150.0000.518
355 sorvast 150.0000.518
356 0x435446 150.0000.518
357 Apa Nama Timnya ? 150.0000.518
358 AmTrain 150.0000.517
359 IVS 150.0000.517
360 hamayanhamayan 150.0000.517
361 h4x0r5 128.0000.451
362 dr4g0ns 100.0000.366
363 barbou 100.0000.366
364 pattern 100.0000.366
365 cbrhack 100.0000.366
366 The Handy Solo 100.0000.365
367 Z3R0 100.0000.365
368 The CyberSamurai 100.0000.365
369 team name 100.0000.365
370 SCWX 100.0000.365
371 deeFIR 100.0000.365
372 BB 100.0000.364
373 humour 100.0000.364
374 ByeRose 100.0000.364
375 b1rds_of_pr3y 100.0000.364
376 a11k15 100.0000.364
377 L0g!c B0mb 100.0000.364
378 KatsuragiCSL 100.0000.363
379 dehunters 100.0000.363
380 etherknot 100.0000.363
381 p1r4tes 100.0000.363
382 linus 100.0000.363
383 GloryToGod 100.0000.363
384 xaonan44 100.0000.362
385 BackMoon 100.0000.362
386 empty_ 100.0000.362
387 W3akByt3s 100.0000.362
388 VNRCB 100.0000.362
389 VHCBlade 100.0000.362
390 cryp_$ec 100.0000.361
391 pccoe 100.0000.361
392 [email protected] 100.0000.361
393 test1337 100.0000.361
394 CL 100.0000.361
395 S3R3N1TY{CTFT} 100.0000.361
396 Hidiot 100.0000.361
397 CTF{Alex} 100.0000.360
398 Children of the Code 100.0000.360
399 YabbaDoo 100.0000.360
400 CRUSADERS 100.0000.360
401 j4f 100.0000.360
402 ouillle 100.0000.360
403 not rz 100.0000.359
404 lock cmpxchg8b eax 100.0000.359
405 maheen 100.0000.359
406 C0ra1 100.0000.359
407 busam 100.0000.359
408 Bazinga! 100.0000.359
409 [email protected] 100.0000.359
410 Satar_Alah 100.0000.358
411 HungreySnowmen 100.0000.358
412 G&G 100.0000.358
413 lamar_curry 100.0000.358
414 doomer 100.0000.358
415 0xZ3R0 100.0000.358
416 kokeshi 100.0000.358
417 x0rc3r3rs 100.0000.358
418 DayMon 100.0000.357
419 xss18+ 100.0000.357
420 Slab Allocator 100.0000.357
421 0x8Layer 100.0000.357
422 Lions 100.0000.357
423 Exploitits! 100.0000.357
424 christy 50.0000.206
425 cuddledeath 50.0000.206
426 Ctr Alt Elite 50.0000.206
427 h3x085 50.0000.206
428 o_O 50.0000.206
429 scbenet 50.0000.205
430 HCAT 50.0000.205
431 01110100011001010110000101101101 50.0000.205
432 coffeeicecubes 50.0000.205
433 snocc 50.0000.205
434 Arachnida 50.0000.205
435 Michigan Hackers 50.0000.205
436 Four on the Floor 50.0000.205
437 a1eaiactaest 50.0000.204
438 4fun 50.0000.204
439 PingTrip 50.0000.204
440 UML Rowdy Hawks 50.0000.204
441 Gabriele solo team 50.0000.204
442 MyFuckingTeam 50.0000.204
443 bad@hacking 50.0000.204
444 Gachi CTF Bois 50.0000.204
445 EvRo21 50.0000.203
446 b34v3rs 50.0000.203
447 UniZoomi 50.0000.203
448 fasthakerman 50.0000.203
449 Symbosis 50.0000.203
450 NaNsolo 50.0000.203
451 ralpmets 50.0000.203
452 WeLoveCP 50.0000.203
453 PogChamps 50.0000.203
454 OverDover 50.0000.202
455 Seadyot 50.0000.202
456 bluebolt 50.0000.202
457 theh4ck3rs 50.0000.202
458 Pengg0damn 50.0000.202
459 Sobaka 50.0000.202
460 kabar 50.0000.202
461 Jumbooooos 50.0000.202
462 hidden_burrito 50.0000.202
463 Andrewyuantw 50.0000.201
464 tsarsec 50.0000.201
465 TGDocs807 50.0000.201
466 LoneWolves 50.0000.201
467 pi0neer5 50.0000.201
468 Pwned_ 50.0000.201
469 StolenBytes 50.0000.201
470 th31nk 50.0000.201
471 [email protected] 50.0000.201
472 UMDCSEC 50.0000.200
473 Silence Mayday 50.0000.200
474 PARSECT 50.0000.200
475 StrixGoldhorn 50.0000.200
476 WhiteCyberduckSolo 50.0000.200
477 STeam 50.0000.200
478 hntl31 50.0000.200
479 M1dnytExplo17z 50.0000.200
480 altarity 50.0000.200
481 WeeLittleHobbit 50.0000.199
482 r@ndom 50.0000.199
483 おShi勉 50.0000.199
484 Psuedo Sudo 50.0000.199
485 Xtras 50.0000.199
486 r00ts 50.0000.199
487 Really Slow Algorithm 50.0000.199
488 WDNMD 50.0000.199
489 HTB 50.0000.199
490 Zeynarz 50.0000.199
491 nyolo 50.0000.198
492 digipentesters 50.0000.198
493 Hackers Bay Erode 50.0000.198
494 OpalJellyfish 50.0000.198
495 IRS Sieberrsec 50.0000.198
496 Divesh 50.0000.198
497 abc 50.0000.198
498 1Man1Flag 50.0000.198
499 m1z0r3 50.0000.198
500 GrüberliOPENCTF 50.0000.198
501 th3c0rt3x 50.0000.198
502 UICTC UNIBI 50.0000.197
503 WM 50.0000.197
504 akasatana 50.0000.197
505 whoo 50.0000.197
506 justme 50.0000.197
507 mrwhite 50.0000.197
508 OnTheVergeOfWhatever 50.0000.197
509 InP1@n$ite 50.0000.197
510 sen pi 50.0000.197
511 Unknown Hacker 50.0000.197
512 MMM 50.0000.197
513 j7ur8 50.0000.196
514 ll 50.0000.196
515 QuickClub 50.0000.196
516 zzzzzzzz 50.0000.196
517 FullGardenStudent 50.0000.196
518 SHARK 50.0000.196
519 lone wolf 50.0000.196
520 darkOrder 50.0000.196
521 c1p@rr 50.0000.196
522 BTeam 50.0000.196
523 BaconBaby 50.0000.196
524 NoNamer 50.0000.195
525 psDuck 50.0000.195
526 CommandMaster 50.0000.195
527 pwners 50.0000.195
528 _k0ng_ 50.0000.195
529 [email protected] 50.0000.195
530 lolblat 50.0000.195
531 cls 50.0000.195
532 crypt0ace 50.0000.195
533 flash 50.0000.195
534 πrates 50.0000.195
535 blue_faang 50.0000.195
536 dewakipas 50.0000.194
537 hihihi 50.0000.194
538 xIsh4N 50.0000.194
539 $Dark_Warrior$ 50.0000.194
540 jhaant ka fall 50.0000.194
541 whitehathacker8181 50.0000.194
542 keiorikou 50.0000.194
543 ByteBandits2 50.0000.194
544 braindance 50.0000.194
545 yoon 50.0000.194
546 js5443 50.0000.194
547 UnDefuse 50.0000.194
548 Isaac 50.0000.193
549 Gasslurd 50.0000.193
550 nyoba 50.0000.193
551 thetechhacker 50.0000.193
552 Keyboard Master 50.0000.193
553 poigiatre 50.0000.193
554 DamoNeer 50.0000.193
555 ret2monke 50.0000.193
556 NotHotdog 50.0000.193
557 fzhshzh 50.0000.193
558 4k3l4rr3 50.0000.193
559 n01c3 50.0000.193
560 Smurfz 50.0000.193
561 Threading 50.0000.193
562 인터루드 50.0000.192
563 martbhell 50.0000.192
564 ITeam 50.0000.192
565 hghhgghhg 50.0000.192
566 ByteBandit1 50.0000.192
567 B308 50.0000.192
568 123 50.0000.192
569 bbb 50.0000.192
570 Dokko 50.0000.192
571 Trojan Hackers 50.0000.192
572 ThunderHack 50.0000.192
573 $esp-200 50.0000.192
574 D4RKFL0W 50.0000.192
575 0verthep0nd 50.0000.191
576 Z3Ro 50.0000.191
577 NVMind 50.0000.191
578 chrisbex 50.0000.191
579 c0mmrad3s 50.0000.191
580 Vetroca 50.0000.191
581 LiterallyJustUmang 50.0000.191
582 N0000b 50.0000.191
583 hacksoldier 50.0000.191
584 UnsurprisingGentlemen 50.0000.191
585 cryptix 50.0000.191
586 MyTeam 50.0000.191
587 De Dikke Dabbers 50.0000.191
588 08025205 50.0000.191
589 T0mr 50.0000.191
590 r 50.0000.190
591 Knight Squad 50.0000.190
592 flyfree 50.0000.190
593 robzom 50.0000.190
594 Ch3lLIST4 50.0000.190
595 flawcra 50.0000.190
596 Kirito 50.0000.190
597 XDDDDD 50.0000.190
598 Tf&test 50.0000.190
599 Yarninator_Team 50.0000.190
600 Thorgal 50.0000.190
601 RBolz 50.0000.190
602 eeeee 50.0000.190
603 HackForce 50.0000.190
604 [email protected] 50.0000.190
605 EricLogan 50.0000.189
606 H@k1mLukh@ 50.0000.189
607 E_Corp 50.0000.189
608 Redbluepurpleblack 50.0000.189
609 bezpecarna 50.0000.189
610 V4ld1v14 50.0000.189
611 exntrc 50.0000.189
612 Alphayii 50.0000.189
613 TN 50.0000.189
614 b00t_Error1890 50.0000.189
615 enkeltr1ck 50.0000.189
616 TopWing 50.0000.189
617 I 50.0000.189
618 xaiphron 50.0000.189
619 p0isonP4wn 50.0000.189
620 allpurposebucket 50.0000.189
621 BarSides 50.0000.188
622 AbnormalSec 50.0000.188
623 hanas879 50.0000.188
624 mistydayx 50.0000.188
625 Solo [Nepal] 50.0000.188
626 wh4t4m1d0ing 50.0000.188
627 Z3r01 50.0000.188
628 larksprue 50.0000.188
629 Hakerx 50.0000.188
630 [email protected] 50.0000.188
631 dietCokeTheorists 50.0000.188
632 ALGG 50.0000.188
633 yohuu 50.0000.188
634 Volcano 50.0000.188
635 Annica 50.0000.188
636 CyberAthlete 50.0000.188
637 L1yee 50.0000.187
638 shellpwn 50.0000.187
639 beginner888 50.0000.187
640 _batch20_ 50.0000.187
641 Slonser 50.0000.187
642 CUBOCAN 50.0000.187
643 Illyrian 50.0000.187
644 Team_Unknown 50.0000.187
645 ISTIC_M2 50.0000.187
646 3NC0de 50.0000.187
647 JHyeon 50.0000.187
648 Sol0Player 50.0000.187
649 MrPaddy35 50.0000.187
650 n00n3 50.0000.187
651 @MN43@ 50.0000.187
652 No_Pwn_Intended 50.0000.187
653 karipap 50.0000.187
654 hariom 50.0000.187
655 ihfh 50.0000.186
656 MM0X 50.0000.186
657 LESNAR 50.0000.186
658 processing 50.0000.186
659 KXTI_MAKHUS 50.0000.186
660 apha1 50.0000.093
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