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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
891LA CTF 2025114.00000.283
768IrisCTF 2025100.00000.380
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
1140PatriotCTF 2024100.00000.202
1210ImaginaryCTF 2024200.00000.712
1796NahamCon CTF 2024300.00000.627
736osu!gaming CTF 2024208.00000.594
823UofTCTF 2024110.00000.216
724IrisCTF 2024150.00000.285
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
559BackdoorCTF 2023318.00000.564
251pingCTF 2023150.00000.795
365DEADFACE CTF 2023635.00002.156
255SunshineCTF 2023301.00003.156
511vsCTF 2023100.00000.274
1247DownUnderCTF 2023100.00000.426
679AmateursCTF 2023125.00000.153
456Crypto CTF 202323.00000.619
598NahamCon CTF 2023647.00001.170
650n00bzCTF 2023400.00000.491
921HSCTF 10100.00000.289
495BxMCTF 2023102.00000.703
999ångstromCTF 202380.00002.224
156Bucket CTF 20232020.00003.210
920LA CTF 2023100.00000.184
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
544Damncon 20221.00000.035
530BuckeyeCTF 202250.00000.183
563DEADFACE CTF175.00000.555
185LakeCTF Qualifications1.00000.134

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