Tags: rsa 

Rating: 3.2

big chicken, i hisS At you!!!

Aside from that description there's three hints containing
base64-encoded data, the latter two tagged "Public" and "Private". It
took me a while to realize that three letters in the description where
upcased, spelling out RSA. Knowing that I've decoded the three hints
to files and used `openssl rsautl -in ciphertext -out plaintext -inkey
private.key -decrypt -keyform DER` to decrypt the ciphertext into the


Visiting this page I got:

- A GIF with a chicken, drawers and anime girls
- JS code printing out more hints to the console
- Two hidden paragraphs:

9 20 30 15 16 5 14 19 30 27 29 8 20 13 12 28
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[]. "

Numbers and a string as long as the biggest number. That can be
decoded with a bit of JS in the console:

var xs = [9, 20, 30, 15, 16, 5, 14, 19, 30, 27, 29, 8, 20, 13, 12, 28]
var chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[]. "
xs.map(function(x){return chars[x-1]}).join('') // "it opens [.html]"

Using my guessing skills I fetch another website:

curl http://unknown-123-246-470-726.herokuapp.com/drawer.html

It contains a flag: `rtcp{ch1ck3n_4nd_th3_3gg}`