Tags: ceasar crypto vigenere 


# Pandas like salads
1. Intro
2. Pigpen
3. Vigenere
4. Caesar salad

## Intro
We have an image with some {}, we can suppose it's the flag.

## Pigpen
The flag on the picture is written using the PigPen cipher. It can be decrypted using this table :


This gives us : `ysay{hjkahr_qqgdia_unr_kw_yrq_pm_nnfb}`

## Vigenere

The vigenere cipher use a key (a word) to encrypt something. In the description of the challenge, the panda keepers of the zoo said that the KEY to happiness in life is a little CUTENESS. We can apply the Vigenere cipher on `ysay{hjkahr_qqgdia_unr_kw_yrq_pm_nnfb}` using `cuteness` as the key.

It gives `wyhu{ufsifx_xmtzqi_sty_gj_uzy_ns_ujsx}`

## Caesar salad

Finally, it's told that panda like SALAD (like ceasar salad?), and the word `ROTATION` in the description also made me think to the Caesar cipher, which consists of which consists of a shifting of the letters.

I tried all 26 ceasar possible, and with Caesar 5, it gives : `rtcp{pandas_should_not_be_put_in_pens}`


*If you have any questions, you can dm me on Discord, nhy47paulo#3590*