Rating: 5.0
# Number Lock
#### Category: rev
#### pts: 1100
I was stuck at this chall for a long time. The breakthough came when the admins updated the files. The only file that was updated was the analytics.js file. That's when I realized that I was looking at the wrong file.
When we look at the analytics.js file, its full of its repeating characters. One thing that comes to the mind is jsfuck. JSFuck website says `write any js with 6 characters`.
That seems to be the case here. But the twist is that JSFuck output is xored with 104, so we decode that.
f = open('./analback.js')
for i in f.read():
print(chr(ord(i) ^ 104), end='')
We try to decode the modified js using JSFuck but we get invalid JS. But the original decoded version works correctly.
Given the original works, it's safe to assume JSFuck is doing something wrong.
We can see from the jsfuck decoded output that the file is calling eval. Lets do a trick, `eval = console.log` and execute the original decoded version.
Yay, we get this.
function guess(){
Now, we will execute the stuff inside the guess, and we get this.
Replacing the `$`s and the remaining the `[]!` by executing it. After that we get,
Beautifying a bit, we get
Let's see what it's `eval`ing.
> atob("U3RyaW5nLnJhd2BycIFsmVVEMVV9lTBXTlV9V219VDCAfU5tlX11MDJ9M1WfYC5zcGxpdGBgLm1hcChpPT4oW2EsYixjXT0nJy5zcGxpdGBgLm1hcChpPT5pLmNoYXJDb2RlQXQoKSksU3RyaW5nKS5mcm9tQ2hhckNvZGUoKChhLWkuY2hhckNvZGVBdCgpKV5iKStjKSkuam9pbmBg")
The code itself is easy to understand. Our input is converted into hex and split into 4 values and is put into in a base64 encoded string which is then decoded.
When it's being decoded our input will be converted into a, b, c in the final code.
Some actions are performed with a, b, and c.
Now it's very easy to get the flag. I used bruteforce as I was about to go to bed when I got till here.
Following is the script.
//let blah = String.raw`rplUD1U}0WNU}Wm}T0}Nm}u02}3U`.split``
let blah = String.raw(Buffer.from("cnCBbJlVRDFVfZUwV05VfVdtfVQwgH1ObZV9dTAyfTNVnw==", 'base64').toString()).split``
let t = 255
// 77 106 174
for (let i=1; i<t; i++) {
for (let j=1; j<t; j++) {
for (let k=1; k<t; k++) {
let s = blah.map(zz=>([a,b,c]=[i, j, k],String).fromCharCode(((a-zz.charCodeAt())^b)+c)).join``
console.log(i, j, k)
if (s.startsWith('rtcp')) {