
This challenge included a Fernet crypto key. If you didn't recognize their format, then this wasn't very easy to do. There were also some pickled pandas-objects that gave a few characters each when decrypted. There were 1 less keys than plaintext arrays, so for one we just tried all the keys. One of the lines were also not encrypted at all.

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet, InvalidToken
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_pickle("pandas.pkl")
soap = pd.read_pickle("soap.pkl")
names = df.columns.values

for i, name in enumerate(names):
if i == len(soap):
for j in range(len(soap)):
print(name, b''.join(Fernet(soap[j]).decrypt(e) for e in df[name]))
except InvalidToken:
print(name, b''.join(Fernet(soap[i]).decrypt(e) for e in df[name]))
except TypeError:


Todolist b'slayDemon'
Side note b'notUseful'
unknown step b'binary image'
unknown step 0 b'binary to string'
unknown step 1246523 b'shift by lucky number'
unknown step 39865432 b'binary to string'
unknown step 26745643547 b'base 32'
unknown step 69821830 b'byteencode to integerthough bytes from hex'
unknown flag 394052487124 b'rtcp{CAr3fu1_wH^t_y0u_c134n_696}'
unknown step 446537364 b'split in intervals of 5'
unknown step 53920324379187589 b'base 85'
0 divide by the
1 demon-
2 summoning
3 number
Name: unknown step 890348, dtype: object
unknown step 923426390324272983 b'bytedecode integer'

the flag is thus `rtcp{CAr3fu1_wH^t_y0u_c134n_696}`, and the other lines are used for the Oni challenge.