Tags: web 


# Welcome Challenge [web] Securinets Prequals 2K20

his write-up is about the challenge "welcome"
writeup on ctf time here : https://ctftime.org/writeup/19026
## ## The Challenge
Looking at the first challenge , When we opened the address in the browser, we were given a number "1" with parametre **/?cmd=print(1)**
when change command i get msg "your input is blacklisted "
so first we need to know what function disable by execution phpinfo() function and to bypass the `preg_match` filters.

our request would be : **`/?cmd=$f=p.h.p.i.n.f.o; $f();`**
If you look at result . you will notice that `file_get_contents` is not in the list and many other function but first we need to search about what is the flag file name .
so i we need to make command that execute next \$_Get parametre with next() fonction and execute it with eval so our request would be :


We won’t go into details in this part, but basically you could use `glob` to find the files.


Array ( [0] => flag.php [1] => index.php )

so our file name is flag.php . so change a lil bit tha request parametre by include **file_get_contents** fonction on **print_r**

TAB : Ctrl + u :


Original writeup (https://github.com/svdwi/CTF-WRITEUPS/blob/master/securinetsCTF_2020/welcome_task.md).