Sat, 21 March 2020, 17:00 UTC — Sun, 22 March 2020, 17:00 UTC 


Securinets CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 41.71 

Rating weight: 31.40 

Event organizers 

CTF Securinets Quals 2020 is an on-line jeopardy style CTF organized by Securinets Club.
Please note that each team can be composed of a maximum by 4 team members.
The CTF starts 17:00 UTC (18:00 in Tunisia).
Only 7 teams will qualify to the final CTF (onsite) in Tunisia in a date that will be communicated later.
Registration is open:
Join our discord channel:


429 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Shukrun 20024.00062.800
2 Defenit 18971.00045.449
3 Nbz 18943.00040.172
4 p4 16984.00034.483
5 from Sousse, with love 16978.00032.904
6 greunion 16262.00030.734
7 hxp 16084.00029.707
8 POLZZAG 15018.00027.475
9 Pwnium 14260.00025.850
10 Fword 13349.00024.073
11 0x90r00t 13147.00023.471
12 Balsn 13097.00023.154
13 OpenToAll 12149.00021.466
14 Goburin' 11332.00020.013
15 ByteForc3 9415.00016.857
16 the3000 8537.00015.350
17 Tsami 8333.00014.914
18 House of Suicide 7474.00013.465
19 33e3393c59bed4a77cb2d2ec2cd80e13 6541.00011.910
20 UnDefuse 6492.00011.750
21 d4rkc0de 6351.00011.454
22 GatorSheavesMutably 6292.00011.294
23 pwnthem0le 5832.00010.510
24 [MEPhI] Halva w/tears 5817.00010.430
25 Sealcode 5778.00010.317
26 imssm99 5754.00010.231
27 ptr4ce 5665.00010.046
28 Dagisbjornarna 5626.0009.944
29 ripp3rs 5453.0009.634
30 PlsWork 5060.0008.981
31 Nyx 4804.0008.546
32 Order of the Grey Fang 4533.0008.090
33 night_is_dark_and_full_of_errors 4491.0007.994
34 lifeise99 4362.0007.764
35 K0nFu53D C@ 4039.0007.231
36 InfoSecIITR 3967.0007.093
37 bootplug 3906.0006.974
38 cyberkittens 3791.0006.771
39 ZeroMemory 3689.0006.590
40 pwnsuky 3654.0006.515
41 TeamShakti 3639.0006.472
42 ky0muge2 3589.0006.376
43 IQ-toppene 3490.0006.203
44 null2root 3489.0006.185
45 can 3023.0005.438
46 T35H 2996.0005.381
47 The Hootsforce 2991.0005.358
48 T-Regex 2989.0005.341
49 watevr 2835.0005.086
50 Regular Fellows 2823.0005.055
51 WhiteRose 2721.0004.883
52 S1n4g 2685.0004.814
53 KCSC 2644.0004.739
54 Cat Training Force 2619.0004.688
55 TeamCC 2121.0003.897
56 anonsurf 2101.0003.855
57 DUNHILL 2090.0003.828
58 CTD Elite 2090.0003.819
59 3sta5 2067.0003.774
60 pray 1978.0003.625
61 noraneco 1972.0003.607
62 Shonan 1972.0003.599
63 green_mosses 1972.0003.591
64 n0n3 1967.0003.575
65 testtest 1967.0003.568
66 PwnaSonic 1955.0003.541
67 spoilers 1937.0003.506
68 Shellphish 1908.0003.454
69 Brap 1878.0003.400
70 MIP-MAP 1837.0003.329
71 nanocomp 1810.0003.281
72 Mayas 1796.0003.252
73 SecurityFactorial 1796.0003.246
74 pecan cookies 1785.0003.223
75 Spaniards 1700.0003.084
76 Dashu 1700.0003.079
77 lonelyboyz 1700.0003.074
78 beerpwn 1691.0003.054
79 cyb0rg 1634.0002.960
80 1177.0002.238
81 Oneirologists 1171.0002.224
82 ret2school 1144.0002.177
83 ccs 1125.0002.142
84 Windoze 1119.0002.129
85 xSTF 1119.0002.124
86 soctuary 1119.0002.120
87 AutoBits 1119.0002.116
88 Root-kids 1119.0002.112
89 H0j3n 1119.0002.108
90 APA Razi 1119.0002.104
91 darkoob 1119.0002.100
92 Lost in Bytes 1119.0002.096
93 Team8 1119.0002.092
94 DarkEn1gma 1119.0002.089
95 d3ltaforce 1119.0002.085
96 Sabka Baap 1077.0002.016
97 RJ45 1077.0002.013
98 Z3R0 1077.0002.009
99 2bits 1071.0001.997
100 NekochanNano! 1071.0001.993
101 NoPwnNoGain 1071.0001.990
102 l0lp 1071.0001.987
103 bluemarine 1044.0001.942
104 GranolaSport 1034.0001.923
105 EGInit-0 1034.0001.920
106 stankc 1034.0001.918
107 20H 1030.0001.909
108 BTTM2020 1025.0001.898
109 L5 1019.0001.886
110 cant_find_a_name 1019.0001.883
111 cov-19 1019.0001.881
112 hack007 1019.0001.878
113 1018.0001.874
114 A 934.0001.740
115 Nik 934.0001.738
116 IIVIKI 934.0001.735
117 Bondage 930.0001.727
118 W_H_P_W 925.0001.717
119 T3kB0ts 919.0001.705
120 teambgd 918.0001.701
121 thisislove 918.0001.699
122 c0reAccess 918.0001.697
123 HHHH 918.0001.695
124 Team233 918.0001.693
125 still alive 918.0001.691
126 ChinaNo.1 918.0001.689
127 bad@hacking 866.0001.605
128 Blue Hens 866.0001.603
129 paulie 866.0001.601
130 x0rc3r3rs 866.0001.600
131 team_7even 866.0001.598
132 asl 866.0001.596
133 PinkPy 866.0001.594
134 tkmk 818.0001.517
135 kookhh0827 818.0001.515
136 Mashiro 818.0001.514
137 OrangeStar 818.0001.512
138 ;p 818.0001.510
139 SharLike 818.0001.509
140 PTZCTF 766.0001.425
141 fuxsocy 766.0001.424
142 Avast 766.0001.422
143 Harekaze 766.0001.421
144 misc 766.0001.419
145 Megumi 766.0001.418
146 D4mianWayne 766.0001.416
147 K@i 766.0001.415
148 frerret 766.0001.413
149 NULL 666.0001.255
150 moka 666.0001.254
151 WATyag 200.0000.522
152 Shigatsu 200.0000.520
153 Ne0Lux-C1Ph3r 200.0000.519
154 The Dark Side 200.0000.518
155 noname 200.0000.516
156 Z3R0F0X 200.0000.515
157 4to3 200.0000.514
158 PawnKriegz 200.0000.512
159 GTA6 200.0000.511
160 liberumveto 200.0000.510
161 RevEng 200.0000.509
162 nico 200.0000.507
163 C_men 200.0000.506
164 nel 200.0000.505
165 ETYB 200.0000.504
166 Team Steam Stream 200.0000.503
167 saadhoucem 200.0000.502
168 0d12245589 200.0000.501
169 Ghostofsparta 200.0000.499
170 200.0000.498
171 Red Cadets 200.0000.497
172 null bite0 200.0000.496
173 while;do echo buffer owlerflow;done 200.0000.495
174 Dakine 200.0000.494
175 Scorpio 200.0000.493
176 fourninetyfour 200.0000.492
177 P4T4T4 200.0000.491
178 manishkumarr 200.0000.490
179 200.0000.489
180 Mars Explorer 200.0000.488
181 zer0byte 200.0000.487
182 potat0x 200.0000.486
183 pwnvaders 200.0000.485
184 4141414141 200.0000.484
185 Revers3c 200.0000.483
186 GARID LUCID 200.0000.482
187 TheTrollingPwns 200.0000.482
188 ri5e 200.0000.481
189 D3mentia 200.0000.480
190 0day 200.0000.479
191 ByamB4 200.0000.478
192 MRS19 200.0000.477
193 tsutakazura 200.0000.476
194 (mendung)10^6 200.0000.475
195 yelenz 200.0000.475
196 unknownxxx 200.0000.474
197 CSUI 200.0000.473
198 쓰나미 200.0000.472
199 onotch 200.0000.471
200 FuZZers 200.0000.471
201 break_the_code 200.0000.470
202 score_gazer 200.0000.469
203 West 200.0000.468
204 2ky2 200.0000.468
205 T3amC0r0na 200.0000.467
206 hackstreetboys 200.0000.466
207 Ternary Bits 200.0000.465
208 minato 200.0000.465
209 atetubou 200.0000.464
210 lee_745 200.0000.463
211 Feldian 200.0000.462
212 N0n4mesbl 200.0000.462
213 ISwearIGoogledIt 200.0000.461
214 South of Zhuoshuixi 200.0000.460
215 seed 200.0000.460
216 bi0sblr 200.0000.459
217 Gyul 200.0000.458
218 cyb3rTUN 200.0000.458
219 Lab104 200.0000.457
220 Capture The Flag 100.0000.300
221 0n3mh5 100.0000.299
222 Beta_securiteam 100.0000.298
223 c0d3nh4ck 100.0000.298
224 SinHack 100.0000.297
225 N00bM4st3r5 100.0000.296
226 aliciftci45 100.0000.296
227 Colors ESI 100.0000.295
228 0xN1ghtRa1d 100.0000.295
229 etucyber 100.0000.294
230 Gromba 100.0000.293
231 Cookies 100.0000.293
232 idk 100.0000.292
233 ych18 100.0000.292
234 fLAGers 100.0000.291
235 Naughty_Noob 100.0000.290
236 CybSec 100.0000.290
237 XENOX 100.0000.289
238 Bits For Everyone 100.0000.289
239 nac 100.0000.288
240 samirTeam 100.0000.288
241 abeleb 100.0000.287
242 CAPTCHA the Flag 100.0000.287
243 DarkHawk06 100.0000.286
244 xkill 100.0000.286
245 fUn_w1tH_fL4Gs 100.0000.285
246 Newbie_aaa 100.0000.284
247 KoalaC 100.0000.284
248 KXTI_User 100.0000.283
249 PipPip 100.0000.283
250 AlphaSec 100.0000.282
251 T-G4NG 100.0000.282
252 zense_iiitb 100.0000.281
253 dcua 100.0000.281
254 CyberYoddha 100.0000.280
255 HVITCTF 100.0000.280
256 Yekev 100.0000.279
257 Lions 100.0000.279
258 Randoms 100.0000.279
259 HIGH0101 100.0000.278
260 outOfCheese 100.0000.278
261 doliprane 100.0000.277
262 warlock 100.0000.277
263 d3ph4u17 100.0000.276
264 Colle 100.0000.276
265 mumble_c0ws 100.0000.275
266 Canary 100.0000.275
267 Fsociety00.bat 100.0000.274
268 fS0ciety 100.0000.274
269 roflanLUL 100.0000.274
270 Iceclue 100.0000.273
271 V1K1NG$ 100.0000.273
272 PeaceMakers 100.0000.272
273 ino 100.0000.272
274 Phoenixteam 100.0000.271
275 manarouj 100.0000.271
276 NSA_n00bs 100.0000.271
277 Spid3r 100.0000.270
278 flakko 100.0000.270
279 JohnPwnJones 100.0000.269
280 bruh 100.0000.269
281 teamhardcode 100.0000.269
282 ChaigncHackademy 100.0000.268
283 cpls 100.0000.268
284 moon 100.0000.267
285 hack-me 100.0000.267
286 Greyhounds 100.0000.267
287 peterluczynski 100.0000.266
288 bhole_ki_toli 100.0000.266
289 VitaminG 100.0000.265
290 V001D 100.0000.265
291 samanshf 100.0000.265
292 phulasso 100.0000.264
293 morelulz 100.0000.264
294 plsDeleteThisTeam 100.0000.264
295 kolt 100.0000.263
296 Matrix 100.0000.263
297 The BozKurds 100.0000.263
298 m4tux 100.0000.262
299 BuGErr0rJubJub 100.0000.262
300 Dadare 100.0000.261
301 h4ck7u5 100.0000.261
302 rampage 100.0000.261
303 beginners 100.0000.260
304 frmk 100.0000.260
305 455-7055 100.0000.260
306 100.0000.259
307 LisaBee 100.0000.259
308 O.G 100.0000.259
309 team_cryptis 100.0000.258
310 00111111 100.0000.258
311 MCBC 100.0000.258
312 whitehathacker 100.0000.257
313 KUDoS 100.0000.257
314 Panoptes 100.0000.257
315 Tex 100.0000.256
316 SYN-bit 100.0000.256
317 NetflixTeam1337 100.0000.256
318 greenish 100.0000.256
319 !nf03 100.0000.255
320 F055il215 100.0000.255
321 t3c 100.0000.255
322 TheIsolated 100.0000.254
323 NoTeam 100.0000.254
324 Shadow_Hunters 100.0000.254
325 2mr 100.0000.253
326 KOUROUNYA 100.0000.253
327 Pwn Leak 100.0000.253
328 alexander 100.0000.253
329 Llama Palooza 100.0000.252
330 sudo_von 100.0000.252
331 jean.vivine 100.0000.252
332 IAM 100.0000.251
333 100.0000.251
334 secsyst 100.0000.251
335 PogTeam 100.0000.251
336 SundayParan0ids 100.0000.250
337 Cyber Grizzlies 100.0000.250
338 Noway 100.0000.250
339 echobash 100.0000.249
340 n0_pwn1c 100.0000.249
341 inf3cted mushr00m 100.0000.249
342 acdwas 100.0000.249
343 MAD LADz 100.0000.248
344 NorthWest 100.0000.248
345 BisonSquad 100.0000.248
346 Zzzzz 100.0000.248
347 0x8Layer 100.0000.247
348 SWV_L 100.0000.247
349 Hacker007 100.0000.247
350 wannakillppl 100.0000.247
351 .Arez_Team 100.0000.246
352 k1r170 100.0000.246
353 3ml 100.0000.246
354 FullPwn Operations 100.0000.246
355 Droogy 100.0000.245
356 SoftArms 100.0000.245
357 N0Named_INTERN 100.0000.245
358 gruf 100.0000.245
359 LightNing 100.0000.244
360 josephsmidt 100.0000.244
361 StarLabs 100.0000.244
362 gorogoroumaru 100.0000.244
363 ctf-m 100.0000.243
364 Whatever 100.0000.243
365 dzsnowings 100.0000.243
366 Darkside 100.0000.243
367 nezz 100.0000.242
368 ISITDTU 100.0000.242
369 T3cH_W1z4rD 100.0000.242
370 d4rks0c1ety 100.0000.242
371 Kaleidnim 100.0000.241
372 fzhshzh 100.0000.241
373 Misfits 100.0000.241
374 DarkWorld 100.0000.241
375 CaLL0uScReW 100.0000.241
376 N00b 100.0000.240
377 ahengers 100.0000.240
378 3358 100.0000.240
379 1bak3ry 100.0000.240
380 Lanph3re 100.0000.239
381 AdiPratama15 100.0000.239
382 Cyber Security Trunojoyo 100.0000.239
383 ScarletSky 100.0000.239
384 Fr13Nd5_DTU 100.0000.239
385 ScriptKiddie_3301 100.0000.238
386 Ciel 100.0000.238
387 Einstein 100.0000.238
388 athenaschild 100.0000.238
389 SureLose 100.0000.238
390 swt02026 100.0000.237
391 n000bs 100.0000.237
392 mi1itray.axe 100.0000.237
393 virtuoso 100.0000.237
394 Cyb3rpunk_squad 100.0000.237
395 CyberLegends 100.0000.236
396 jkc 100.0000.236
397 OriginalGangsta 100.0000.236
398 ROKN 100.0000.236
399 kanbedon 100.0000.236
400 Byte 100.0000.235
401 __T3TRAH3DR0N__ 100.0000.235
402 B0dhi 100.0000.235
403 4k3l4rr3 100.0000.235
404 MQCyberSec 100.0000.235
405 bangbarang 100.0000.234
406 Th3C0d3 100.0000.234
407 just_another_team 100.0000.234
408 Cyb3rSh1p 100.0000.234
409 Pwn October 100.0000.234
410 JJlaBuBu 100.0000.233
411 MongolianEmpire1 100.0000.233
412 kuggggg 100.0000.233
413 secretc0der 100.0000.233
414 ZanjabilVsCorona 100.0000.233
415 wanderlust_incyberspace 100.0000.232
416 _test 100.0000.232
417 nigamelastic 100.0000.232
418 random 100.0000.232
419 te 100.0000.232
420 Tinfoil Hats 100.0000.232
421 buzzyboiz 100.0000.231
422 LinyTail 100.0000.231
423 Abyss syndrome 100.0000.231
424 RGTCyberz 100.0000.231
425 AnjingMemek 100.0000.231
426 SebOh 100.0000.231
427 The Society 100.0000.230
428 Dokko 100.0000.230
429 0ned3y 100.0000.115
ZaxiomsMarch 18, 2020, 8:03 p.m.

The discord invite link seems to be expired

TheEmperorsMarch 19, 2020, 10:41 a.m.

Now it's fixed

sqrtrevMarch 21, 2020, 9:01 p.m.

the chall "Empire Totall"'s vuln is real-time patched.
When I solved almost(I got shell and DB Access), he fixed vuln that I found.
So, I asked him(about real-time vuln patch).
But the response is "that's how it's done in real world".
Even he never said 'Sorry for the inconvenience.".

This is CTF. Not a real world.
The unintended solution can exist and I know this.
But he didn't show an apologetic attitude.
I've never seen like this worst CTF(The challenge quality was good but..)

param373rMarch 23, 2020, 4:59 a.m.

Can you please release the writeups for crypto and osint challs, please...
I'd really like that...


TheEmperorsMarch 23, 2020, 6:21 p.m.

For the OSINT Challenge I'll be doing that soon and I'll share the link on discord

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