
# Challenge : The Secured channel


Connecting to the server :


We weren't given the modulus N but g,and r were given and very big secret !

taking a look at information.py given :


check this part :

`again_what = len(bin(p)[2:])`




Trying with many values of p we notice that p+having_fun=2**k-1 with k is number bits of p !

Very interesting ! so the function returns p and having_fun+31337(which is q)

so p+q=p+having_fun+31337=pow(2,k)-1+31337=2**k+31336

and p*q=n

for solving p we get the quadtratic equation : p**2-Sp+n=0 with S=p+q and n=p*q !

But we are missing n !

Taking a look at the Help option !


It says not like the encryption as option1 but helps us to get missing part , meaning N ! How is that ?
well :


Basing on that we get the n (script getN.py)


So back to our equation : **pow(p,2)-Sp+n=0**

Solving it : (solvp.py)

`from sympy.solvers import solve`

`from sympy import Symbol`

`from sympy import *`



`n=(value found using getN)`

`print (solve(p**2-S*p+n,p))`

And we got p and q !!


Back to the server , we were given N , g , r and the cipher was lot bigger than the n ..
Well After all it was : [Paillier Cryptosystem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paillier_cryptosystem)

Compute the plaintext message as: ![](https://i.imgur.com/UaVSJgL.png)

with L is : ![](https://i.imgur.com/aUflpMy.png)

Lamda is : lcm(p-1,q-1) and mu=invert(((pow(int(g),int(lamda),int(n**2))-1)//n),n)

Decrypting the cipher (getMessage.py) and we get :

**Well after all its not that secure , well done , here you go ! have your gift : Securinets{Pa1lli3r??_I_Th1nk_y0u_r0ck!!}**

**Flag : Securinets{Pa1lli3r??_I_Th1nk_y0u_r0ck!!}**

Original writeup (https://github.com/SemahBA/SecurinetsQuals20/tree/master/Cryptography/The%20Secured%20Channel).