Tags: diffie-hellman timing-attack crypto 

Rating: 5.0

# Bit Flip 1

**Category**: Cryptography \
**Points**: 155 points \
**Difficulty**: Easy (84 solves)

## Challenge

Flip bits and decrypt communication between Bob and Alice.

`nc bitflip1.hackable.software 1337`

Given [task.tgz](task.tgz)

## Solution

**Summary**: A simplified version of a timing-based side-channel attack on a
prime number generator.

To understand the crypto used in this problem, I first read
[this tutorial](https://martin.kleppmann.com/papers/curve25519.pdf)
up to section 2.4.

This program uses Diffie-Hellman on the multiplicative group where:
- `g = 5`
- `k` (`alice.my_secret`) is random but determined by our input seed
- `j` (`bob.my_secret`) is random
- `g^j` (`bob.my_number`) is given to us by the server (removed in Bit Flip 2)

Therefore our goals are:
- Find `g^{jk}` (`alice.shared`), the shared symmetric key used to encrypt the flag
- We know `g^j` so we can compute `(g^j)^k` if we know `k`
- `k` is determined by `alice_seed` (random) XOR'd with our input
- If we find `alice_seed`, then we can find `k`

On each iteration of the program, we are told how many iterations were required
to generate `p`. This is almost like
[this approach](https://crypto.stackexchange.com/a/1971)
but not quite—the seed for the `Rng` is incremented, not `p` itself.

Here is an overview of how `p` is determined:
alice_seed = 16 bytes = 128 bits
flip_str = 32 bytes = 256 bits
seed = flip_str ^ alice_seed

prime (generate until found a prime)
= sha256(seed) + sha256(seed + 1)
= sha256(seed + 2) + sha256(seed + 3)
= sha256(seed + 4) + sha256(seed + 5)
= sha256(seed + 6) + sha256(seed + 7)
= ...
= sha256(seed + x) + sha256(seed + x + 1)

We are told the number of iterations to find `p`. We can use this information
to determine every bit of `alice_seed` except the LSB bit. For example, let's
say we want to find the 5th bit (where the LSB is the 0th bit). Assume that we
know bits 0 through 4.

We want to make our seed look like this, where `x` indicates the bit we want to
... x1110

Since we know the first four bits stored in `guess`, we can accomplish this by
sending `guess ^ 0b1110`, assuming `guess` matches `alice_seed`. We then record
the reported number of iterations in `x_n_iters`.

Next we want to make our seed look like this:
... x0000 ^ 10000

If `x == 0`, then our seed will be `10000`, which is two larger than the seed we just sent. \
If `x == 1`, then our seed will be `00000`, which is much lower than the seed we just sent.

We can send `guess | 0b10000` to make our seed look like how we want. We then
record the reported number of iterations in `y_n_iters`.

Next we check if `x_n_iters == y_n_iters + 1` (see the pseudocode above
explaining how `p` is generated to understand why this is so). If this is true,
then we know `x` is 0. Otherwise, `x` is 1.

We can do this for bits 1 through 127. The LSB is unknown, so we have two
guesses for `alice_seed`.

Now that we have `alice_seed`, the rest is fairly straightforward. Using the
code provided with the challenge, we just create `alice` using our guessed seed
to determine `k`. Then we calculate `(g^j)^k` to determine the shared symmetric
key and use that to decrypt the flag!

from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes, bytes_to_long
import pwn
import base64
import re
import flag_decrypt
import subprocess

def get_bit(n, pos):
return (n >> pos) & 1

def set_bit(n, pos):
return n | (1 << pos)

# Note: This is not provided in the real challenge, but may be useful for
# debugging
seed_regex = re.compile(r'seed: (.*)\n', re.MULTILINE)

gen_regex = re.compile(r'Generated after (\d*) iterations', re.MULTILINE)
bob_regex = re.compile(r'bob number (\d*)\n', re.MULTILINE)
iv_regex = re.compile(r'bob .*\n(.*)\n', re.MULTILINE)
enc_flag_regex = re.compile(r'bob .*\n.*\n(.*)\n', re.MULTILINE)

anno = False
remote = True

def send(flip):
payload = base64.b64encode(long_to_bytes(flip))
output = sh.recvuntilS('bit-flip str:')
n_iters = int(gen_regex.search(output).group(1))
if anno:
seed = seed_regex.search(output).group(1)
seed = bytes.fromhex(seed)
seed = bytes_to_long(seed)
seed = None
return (n_iters, seed)

def send_get_all(flip):
payload = base64.b64encode(long_to_bytes(flip))
output = sh.recvuntilS('bit-flip str:')

n_iters = int(gen_regex.search(output).group(1))

if anno:
seed = seed_regex.search(output).group(1)
seed = bytes.fromhex(seed)
seed = bytes_to_long(seed)
seed = None

bob_number = int(bob_regex.search(output).group(1))

iv = iv_regex.search(output).group(1)
iv = base64.b64decode(iv)

enc_flag = enc_flag_regex.search(output).group(1)
enc_flag = base64.b64decode(enc_flag)

return {
'n_iters': n_iters,
'seed': seed,
'bob_number': bob_number,
'iv': iv,
'enc_flag': enc_flag

if remote:
sh = pwn.remote('bitflip1.hackable.software', 1337)
if anno:
sh = pwn.process('./task_anno.py')
sh = pwn.process('./task.py')

if remote:
hashcash_regex = r'.* Proof of Work: (.*)\n'
output = sh.recvline(hashcash_regex).decode()
hashcash_cmd = re.search(hashcash_regex, output).group(1)

print('Running hashcash cmd:', hashcash_cmd)
hashcash_token = subprocess.check_output(hashcash_cmd, shell=True).decode().strip()
print('Got hashcash token:', hashcash_token)

if anno:
output = sh.recvuntilS('bit-flip str:')
alice_seed = re.search(r'alice_seed: (.*)\n', output).group(1)
alice_seed = bytes.fromhex(alice_seed)
alice_seed = bytes_to_long(alice_seed)
print('Starting bit flipping')
output = sh.recvuntilS('bit-flip str:')

orig_n_iters = send(0)[0]
print('Original number of iters:', orig_n_iters)

guess = 0
for i in range(1, 128):
# 3 2 1 0
# x 1 1 0
des = set_bit(0, i) - 2
flip = guess ^ des
(x_n_iters, x_seed) = send(flip)

# 3 2 1 0
# x 0 0 0
flip = guess | set_bit(0, i)
(y_n_iters, y_seed) = send(flip)

if x_n_iters == y_n_iters + 1:
# It's zero
guess = set_bit(guess, i)

print('.', end='', flush=True)


guesses = [guess, guess + 1]
for guess in guesses:
response = send_get_all(0)
print(flag_decrypt.get_flag(response, guess))


# This is all copy-and-paste from task.py

from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import hashlib
import os
import base64
from gmpy2 import is_prime
import pwn
import re

class Rng:
def __init__(self, seed):
self.seed = seed
self.generated = b""
self.num = 0

def more_bytes(self):
self.generated += hashlib.sha256(self.seed).digest()
self.seed = long_to_bytes(bytes_to_long(self.seed) + 1, 32)
self.num += 256

def getbits(self, num=64):
while (self.num < num):
x = bytes_to_long(self.generated)
self.num -= num
self.generated = b""
if self.num > 0:
self.generated = long_to_bytes(x >> num, self.num // 8)
return x & ((1 << num) - 1)

class DiffieHellman:
def gen_prime(self):
prime = self.rng.getbits(512)
iter = 0
while not is_prime(prime):
iter += 1
prime = self.rng.getbits(512)
print("Generated after", iter, "iterations")
return prime

def __init__(self, seed, prime=None):
self.rng = Rng(seed)
if prime is None:
prime = self.gen_prime()

self.prime = prime
self.my_secret = self.rng.getbits()
self.my_number = pow(5, self.my_secret, prime)
self.shared = 1337

def set_other(self, x):
self.shared ^= pow(x, self.my_secret, self.prime)

def pad32(x):
return (b"\x00"*32+x)[-32:]

def xor32(a, b):
return bytes(x^y for x, y in zip(pad32(a), pad32(b)))

def bit_flip(x, s=''):
print("bit-flip str:")
flip_str = base64.b64decode(s.strip())
return xor32(flip_str, x)

# Real code starts here

def get_alice(guess):
alice_seed = long_to_bytes(guess)
alice = DiffieHellman(bit_flip(alice_seed))
return alice

def get_flag(response, guess):
alice = get_alice(guess)
shared = pow(response['bob_number'], alice.my_secret, alice.prime)
cipher = AES.new(long_to_bytes(shared, 16)[:16], AES.MODE_CBC, IV=response['iv'])
flag = cipher.decrypt(response['enc_flag'])
return flag

$ python3 solve.py
[+] Opening connection to bitflip1.hackable.software on port 1337: Done
Running hashcash cmd: hashcash -mb28 lmtdpenp
Got hashcash token: 1:28:201122:lmtdpenp::1nR0qTyIQ4K19//9:00000000E5rwo
Starting bit flipping
Original number of iters: 456
bit-flip str:
Generated after 456 iterations
b'DrgnS{T1min9_4ttack_f0r_k3y_generation}\n '
bit-flip str:
Generated after 674 iterations

Original writeup (https://github.com/qxxxb/ctf/tree/master/2020/dragon_ctf/bit_flip/1).
SamXMLNov. 23, 2020, 5:55 p.m.

Thanks for a very nice writeup!

After reading this, I made a couple of observations and wonder if I am understanding things correctly.

These observations make me think that the algorithm will likely produce the correct result but might not for very unlikely scenarios.

Scenario 1:

For some i in range(0, 128), suppose x_n_iters happens to be 0. Then even if that bit is 0
we will never have x_n_iters == y_n_iters + 1 and so we'll mistakenly conclude that bit is 1
and produce the wrong result.

Scenario 2:

Suppose when i is 2 that the bit value we are trying to find happens to be 1.

We'll first send a flip value that produces a seed (seed1) ending in ...11? and compute x_n_iters.

Suppose x_n_iters turned out to be 2. This means it tried candidates in this order:

x_n_iters = 0: sha256(seed1 + 0) + sha256(seed1 + 1) NOT PRIME
x_n_iters = 1: sha256(seed1 + 2) + sha256(seed1 + 3) NOT PRIME
x_n_iters = 2: sha256(seed1 + 4) + sha256(seed1 + 5) PRIME

Next we'll send a flip value that produces a seed (seed2) ending in ...00? and compute y_n_iters.

We know seed2 = seed1 - 6 so while looking for a prime it will try the following:

y_n_iters = 0: sha256(seed2 + 0) + sha256(seed2 + 1) = sha256(seed1 - 6) + sha256(seed1 - 5) PRIME?
y_n_iters = 1: sha256(seed2 + 2) + sha256(seed2 + 3) = sha256(seed1 - 4) + sha256(seed1 - 3) PRIME?
y_n_iters = 2: sha256(seed2 + 4) + sha256(seed2 + 5) = sha256(seed1 - 2) + sha256(seed1 - 1) PRIME?
y_n_iters = 3: sha256(seed2 + 6) + sha256(seed2 + 7) = sha256(seed1 + 0) + sha256(seed1 + 1) NOT PRIME
y_n_iters = 4: sha256(seed2 + 8) + sha256(seed2 + 9) = sha256(seed1 + 2) + sha256(seed1 + 3) NOT PRIME
y_n_iters = 5: sha256(seed2 + 10) + sha256(seed2 + 11) = sha256(seed1 + 4) + sha256(seed1 + 5) PRIME

Since x_n_iters happened to be 2, we know y_n_iters values of 3 and 4 will be NOT PRIME.
Similarly, we know a y_n_iters value of 5 would be PRIME.

However, we have no way of being certain whether y_n_iters values of 0, 1, or 2 will produce a prime or not since those values were not tried previously.

If it just so happened that a y_n_iters value of 0 was NOT PRIME but a y_n_iters value of 1 was PRIME then it would be the case that:

x_n_iters == y_n_iters + 1

and the code would mistakenly conclude that the bit we were trying to find was 0 when it was actually 1.

qxxxbDec. 1, 2020, 3:42 p.m.

@SamXML Thanks for the feedback!

You're right, this algorithm does fail for some scenarios (of all the times I tested it, it failed once).

Scenario 1: That's correct. A way to fix this might be to compare y0000 and y0010 if we find that x1110 is zero (where y = x ^ 1 and x is the original bit)

Scenario 2:
If i is 2, then we would compare x10 and y00.
If x == 0, then y == 1 and we have 010 and 100. Then x_n_iters == y_n_iters + 1 in most cases
If x == 1, then y == 0 and we have 110 and 000. Then x_n_iters == y_n_iters - 3 in most cases

If x== 1, there is a small chance that there is a prime between the seeds for 110 and 000. As you said, it is possible that x_n_iters == y_n_iters + 1 by chance. Then we would incorrectly conclude that x == 1.