Tags: pwntools python 

Rating: 3.0

# Bogo Solve
## Description

> I was trying to sort using Bogosort, but it was taking a while, so in the meantime I made this challenge. Enjoy!

> nc ctf.k3rn3l4rmy.com 2237

## Source

import random
NUMS = list(range(10**4))
tries = 15
while True:
n = int(input('Enter (1) to steal and (2) to guess: '))
if n == 1:
if tries==0:
print('You ran out of tries. Bye!')
l = map(int,input('Enter numbers to steal: ').split(' '))
output = []
for i in l:
assert 0<= i < len(NUMS)
elif n == 2:
l = list(map(int,input('What is the list: ').split(' ')))
if l == NUMS:
print('Not a choice.')
print('Error. Nice Try...')

## Solution

Analyst the source code:
- Server holds a list having `10**4` random elements
- To capture the flag, we have to send exactly the list
- Request to steal numbers with your expected indexes
- Response from server for stolen numbers is random

Well, a naive approach is request 1 number each request

--> The connection will be closed soon if you request a lot

`WHAT IF` you send a list number like this `0 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3` ? Yeah, the response will be `10 11 11 12 12 13 13 13` (`obviously it's random :D`)

Now, mapping from request to response, you'll know the index of `10` is `0` and so on

With this theory, I request `a certain number` and mapping it to response to create a list (payload in the future)

My code:
- Use `dictionary` to check and append my list
- I request `400 numbers` in a request (if this amount is too large, the connection will be closed)
- When my list is filled out, I'll send it to capture the flag

from pwn import *
from collections import Counter
# context.log_level='debug'

def createListNum(begin, offset = 400):
finalList = []
for currentNum in range(begin, begin + offset):
for num in range(begin, currentNum + 1):
return ' '.join(finalList)
# return finalList

def getKey(dict, value):
return list(dict.keys())[list(dict.values()).index(value)]

p = remote('ctf.k3rn3l4rmy.com', 2237)
# Payload will be sent in the final request
begin = 0

while begin != 10000:
p.recvuntil('Enter (1) to steal and (2) to guess')
# Send command 1
p.sendline(bytes('1', 'utf-8'))
p.recvuntil('Enter numbers to steal')
print("Sent from", begin)
# Send request
request = createListNum(begin)

# Receive response
# Example response: Stolen: [5219, 1111, ..., 1]
numList = p.recvline().strip().decode('utf-8')
print("Received", numList)
numList = numList.split('[')[1][:-1].split(', ')
# Convert to dict
response = Counter(numList)

# Put into our payload
for currentNum in range(begin, begin + 400):
key = currentNum % 400
REALNUMS.append(getKey(response, 400 - key))

print("Len of received numbers", len(REALNUMS))
# New request
begin += 400
if len(REALNUMS) == 10**4:

p.recvuntil('Enter (1) to steal and (2) to guess')
# Send command 2
p.sendline(bytes('2', 'utf-8'))
p.recvuntil('What is the list')
print("Sent REALNUMS")
p.sendline(' '.join(REALNUMS))

# Receive flag



The flag was captured ??

Flag is : flag{alg0r1thms_ar3_s0_c00l!}

Original writeup (https://github.com/greybtw/writeup-CTF_2021/blob/master/K3RN3LCTF/Bogo%20Solve.md).
MrJNov. 16, 2021, 12:36 p.m.

I can't see why this would work as the list is shuffled before being displayed. So if you sent all 10,000 numbers, the list you would get back would be shuffled