Tags: misc 


## Challenge Description

Take a break from the other challenges and play a relxing game of Minesweeper
I have even solved most of the board for you and marked many of the mines.
I am completely sure they are correct so you just need to find the remaining ones.

## Intuition

Looking at the minesweeper map, it's huge, but I noticed that the patterns look
like wires and seem to lead to some structure which intuitively resemble logic
gates. Even more, there are multiple mentions in the code of _circuits_. So I searched
on the internet for something related to minesweeper and circuits and found a [paper from 2015](https://web.math.ucsb.edu/~padraic/ucsb_2014_15/ccs_problem_solving_w2015/NP3.pdf)
which proves that Minesweeper is np-complete using circuits which look exactly
like the ones in the challenge.

An initial idea that results is that we could convert the map to a logic circuit and input it into
a sat-solver like **z3**. Now... that's kinda complicated.

The map being partially solved, consistent and built like a circuit means that giving in _input_ to
each end of the wire (aka putting a bomb or not there), should result in a unique arrangement for the
entire map. Intuitively, this means that the whole map can be converted into a logic formula and fed to
as sat solver.

## Solution

After some more research, I found a github repo with a minesweeper [sat solver](https://github.com/FabianGalis/minesweeper-sat)
which structured the map in a very similar way with the one in the given challenge. I modified the code such that it fit the problem:

from pysat.solvers import Solver #for SAT solving
from itertools import combinations #for combinations in a CNF

import itertools
import hashlib

# DIMACS codification
def M(i,j,board_w): return board_w**1 * i + board_w**0 * j + 1

# find unknown cells next to a cell at i,j
def unknown_neighbours(board,i,j):
for h in range(i-1,i+2):
for w in range(j-1,j+2):
if h<len(board) and w<len(board[0]) and h>=0 and w>=0 and (board[h][w]>8): neighbours.append((h,w))
return neighbours

# clauses per cell
def cell_clauses(board,i,j):

#at least n mines
for combination in combinations([M(elem[0],elem[1],len(board[0])) for elem in neighbours],len(neighbours)-board[i][j]+1):

#at most n mines
for combination in combinations([-M(elem[0],elem[1],len(board[0])) for elem in neighbours], board[i][j]+1):

return cell_clauses

# clauses per board
def board_clauses(board,board_h,board_w):
for i in range(board_h):
for j in range(board_w):

if board[i][j]<9:
#add self as known safe cell
#add surrounding constraints
elif board[i][j]==10:
#add self as mine cell
return clauses

#print solution
def show_solution(board,board_h,board_w,model):
bits = []
for i in range(board_h):
for j in range(board_w):
if board[i][j]==9:
board[i][j]='m' if M(i, j,board_w) in model else 's'
if i == 23:
bit = 1 if board[i][j] == 'm' else 0
flag = hashlib.sha256(bytes(bits)).hexdigest()
print(f'Flag: CTF{{{flag}}}')

def solve_board(board,printing=True):
if printing:
print("Legend:\n0-8: mines nearby\n9 : unknown\n10 : known mine")


s = Solver(name='cd')

if s.solve():
if printing:
print("\nSAT - consistent")
print("Legend:\n0-8: mines nearby\n9 : unknown\n10 : known mine\nm : found mine\ns : found safe")

return True
print("\nUNSAT - inconsistent")
return False

#board encoding:
#0-8: mines nearby
#9 : unknown space
#10 : known mine

with open('gameboard.txt', 'r') as fin:
circuit = fin.read()
circuit = circuit.replace(' ', '0')
circuit = [list(line) for line in circuit.split('\n') if len(line) > 0]

board_width = len(circuit[0])
board_height = len(circuit)
mine_count=0 #smaller than width*height
unknown_cells=0 #smaller than width*height

board = [[None for x in range(board_width)] for y in range(board_height)]

for i, (x, y) in enumerate(itertools.product(range(board_width), range(board_height))):
val = int(circuit[y][x], 16)
if val == 11:
val = 10
if val == 10:
mine_count += 1
elif val == 9:
unknown_cells += 1

board[y][x] = val


Running this for 1 minute gets the flag.

### Flag


Original writeup (https://dothidden.xyz/google_ctf_2023/mine_the_gap).