Tags: forensics 


This PC is attacked. The flag is stolen.
Flag: `SharifCTF{522bab2661c00e672cf1af399d6055cd}`




Mini.vmdk was inside the 7z archive - a Linux Mate VM disk.
Let's load it in VirtualBox - why not?
First of all we have to get into the boot menu GRUB and edit the boot options.




We see that we can easily change users creds. First we have to check who was active and to look if there are any `cron/startup - surprises` in the system.




Everything seems fine, let's see what the user was doing. And who stole our flag...
First of all the idea was to check all the network processes:




Nothing of really interesting. After digging the user directory (building some boring timelines) and checking the apps, we ran into a firefox profile. We have opened firefox and have found a suspicious extension named "firecopy 2.3":




So let's look closer at the extension, that is located in the .mozilla profile directory - /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/ih8wwh9c.default/extensions/{5ca6c28f-6283-42bd-912f-e6b776f83c39}.xpi. We can untar and read all the contents:




So it was now obvious, that something was stolen from the user session in firefox. We see a token, that can be also used for requests. Could it be our flag?




Hm.. The git is empty. But what about the gist?




Yay, we are near!.. But we got stuck, no trace of flags. Something was broken..
Everything was fixed after the news were updated with post:
> Attention
> check your findings again. The issue with "Stolen Flag" is solved.


Now the url isn't active, but the flag was just [there](https://gist.github.com/clipboardstolenthings/).
And still a request from api.github.com is working:


`curl -i -H 'Authorization: token 50e833d4ef0d228525f0bef6db857b35f53cd6d6' "https://api.github.com/users/clipboardstolenthings/gists"`


**That's All Folks!**

Original writeup (https://github.com/YuryDo/writeups/tree/master/SharifCTF8/Forensic200).
scsFeb. 5, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

P.S. the flag can be checked [here](https://api.github.com/gists/8b11555c6bf93b27cdfa7611805b1214)