Sat, 01 April 2017, 22:30 UTC — Sun, 02 April 2017, 22:30 UTC 


Dragon CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 25.00 

Rating weight: 10.00 

Event organizers 

Teaser for the offline event at CONFidence conference (Cracow, Poland, May 18-19th).

Registration is now open and will stay open all throughout the CTF.


Top1 - Top3:

- Travel allowance if coming to offline event (up to 4*500 USD per European team or 4*1500 USD for non-European teams)
- hotel for 4 people during CONFidence
- 4 conference passes for CONFidence

Top4 - Top6:

- hotel for 4 people during CONFidence
- 4 conference passes for CONFidence

Top7 - Top10:

- 4 conference passes for CONFidence


258 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 217 2501.00020.000
2 9447 2101.00013.401
3 Shellphish 1901.00010.934
4 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 1801.0009.701
5 ChkSum[0] 1501.0008.002
6 0daysober 1501.0007.668
7 !SpamAndHex 1501.0007.430
8 baloom 1501.0007.252
9 Tasteless 1501.0007.113
10 p4 1301.0006.202
11 CodiSec 1301.0006.111
12 int3pids 1301.0006.035
13 Bushwhackers 1301.0005.971
14 dcua 1301.0005.916
15 hxp 1001.0004.669
16 Rule110 1001.0004.627
17 HackingForSoju 1001.0004.591
18 Veeva La Veeda 1001.0004.558
19 hellman 901.0004.129
20 tscheschtsch 901.0004.103
21 secufd 701.0003.279
22 pwnies 601.0002.858
23 Capture the Swag 601.0002.838
24 DeliciousHorse 601.0002.820
25 ASIS 601.0002.803
26 Bono_iPad 601.0002.788
27 WizardsOfDos 601.0002.773
28 ezio3593 601.0002.760
29 squareroots 601.0002.748
30 0xbadf00d 601.0002.736
31 w0pr 401.0001.926
32 TokyoWesterns 401.0001.916
33 Snatch The Root 401.0001.906
34 HackingFromSpace 400.0001.893
35 Harekaze 201.0001.089
36 adw1n 201.0001.081
37 Man In The Middle 201.0001.074
38 Just Hit the Core 201.0001.067
39 InSecurity 201.0001.060
40 OpenToAll 201.0001.054
41 Bad Alloc 201.0001.048
42 ACTU 201.0001.042
43 The Northern Coalition 201.0001.036
44 HelloRing0 201.0001.031
45 CH1ll 201.0001.026
46 Batman's Kitchen 201.0001.021
47 STT 201.0001.016
48 MeePwn 201.0001.012
49 tmp 201.0001.008
50 scryptos 201.0001.004
51 Corrupted Reflection 201.0001.000
52 vanhelsing 201.0000.996
53 Lilac 201.0000.992
54 bi0s 201.0000.989
55 FluxFingers 201.0000.985
56 SilentMan 201.0000.982
57 ByteBandits 201.0000.979
58 badfirmware 201.0000.976
59 cheese 201.0000.973
60 Antichat 201.0000.970
61 Pineapple Pizza 201.0000.968
62 NULL 201.0000.965
63 Insanity 201.0000.962
64 Fourchette Bombe 201.0000.960
65 mrowqa 201.0000.958
66 xSTF 201.0000.955
67 The Metaverse 201.0000.953
68 CheatHunters 201.0000.951
69 shakalCTF 201.0000.949
70 EPAD 201.0000.947
71 Maková Panenka 201.0000.945
72 MV9rwGOf08 201.0000.943
73 Anon397 200.0000.937
74 dqi 200.0000.935
75 blackbunny 1.0000.137
76 Drolleke 1.0000.136
77 ChalmersCTF 1.0000.134
78 M 1.0000.132
79 The DHARMA Initiative 1.0000.131
80 FireShell 1.0000.129
81 hAIXer 1.0000.127
82 SULOBAND 1.0000.126
83 Big-Daddy 1.0000.124
84 NASA Rejects 1.0000.123
85 netsky 1.0000.122
86 Epic Leet Team 1.0000.120
87 Software Assassination Squad 1.0000.119
88 DevDev 1.0000.118
89 koo 1.0000.116
90 Disaster 1.0000.115
91 SU Red Team 1.0000.114
92 Hackgyver 1.0000.113
93 Stack 1.0000.112
94 PKTeam 1.0000.110
95 2O2L2H 1.0000.109
96 ufologists 1.0000.108
97 zippy 1.0000.107
98 PwnaSonic 1.0000.106
99 noraneco 1.0000.105
100 Shadow Cats 1.0000.104
101 Teck_N00bs 1.0000.103
102 666 bytes 1.0000.102
103 iks 1.0000.101
104 Noclue 1.0000.100
105 $criptKiddie$ 1.0000.099
106 Team Cryptis 1.0000.098
107 poppopret 1.0000.097
108 _PRIME_ 1.0000.097
109 YETI 1.0000.096
110 DFM 1.0000.095
111 Blackpy 1.0000.094
112 H3X0R 1.0000.093
113 RATF{Rage Against The Flag} 1.0000.092
114 CyberTeam6 1.0000.092
115 Tinfoil Hats 1.0000.091
116 sn0wf0lks 1.0000.090
117 AVP 1.0000.089
118 Cupertino 1.0000.089
119 rudis 1.0000.088
120 TheGoonies 1.0000.087
121 Bugs_Bunny 1.0000.087
122 Sandbox 1.0000.086
123 0ff-7h3-6r1d 1.0000.085
124 BTTM 1.0000.085
125 Radical Dreamers 1.0000.084
126 Anis_Boss 1.0000.083
127 ##earthpig 1.0000.083
128 qwertyuiop 1.0000.082
129 Deepsea 1.0000.082
130 whitehatpanda 1.0000.081
131 5vc0d3 1.0000.080
132 dell_br 1.0000.080
133 Fellowship_of_the_R00t 1.0000.079
134 Umbra 1.0000.079
135 zionspike 1.0000.078
136 Shackers 1.0000.078
137 0ctet 1.0000.077
138 PogTeam 1.0000.076
139 noTeamName 1.0000.076
140 TearsDrop 1.0000.075
141 NUwraDU2dUw1YVNwNUxpdA== 1.0000.075
142 redbolt 1.0000.074
143 k3y 1.0000.074
144 KerKerYuan 1.0000.073
145 WenXdayTeam 1.0000.073
146 Kyuri 1.0000.072
147 pwn4food 1.0000.072
148 P01TERGEIST 1.0000.072
149 TeamCC 1.0000.071
150 Qexfixka 1.0000.071
151 TTD 1.0000.070
152 Broast 1.0000.070
153 ISITDTU 1.0000.069
154 flagish 1.0000.069
155 the-metaverse 1.0000.069
156 Samurai 1.0000.068
157 n4rv4l0 1.0000.068
158 zhengjim 1.0000.067
159 dekhi 1.0000.067
160 The Wizard's Sanctum 1.0000.066
161 keyakoto 1.0000.066
162 Herauld Higgins 1.0000.066
163 Strategic Sky Skeletons 1.0000.065
164 233 1.0000.065
165 Thomas 1.0000.065
166 hackerstan 1.0000.064
167 jlord 1.0000.064
168 dodododo 1.0000.064
169 PiggyBird 1.0000.063
170 R311 1.0000.063
171 checkmatemusipan 1.0000.062
172 Улаанбаатар 1.0000.062
173 slumhckr 1.0000.062
174 Dakine 1.0000.061
175 Pwnelaide 1.0000.061
176 CosmicPanda 1.0000.061
177 sdhs_root 1.0000.060
178 3v01v3 1.0000.060
179 LBH 1.0000.060
180 OgnlContext 1.0000.060
181 LIONCITY 1.0000.059
182 kjh 1.0000.059
183 Section 9 1.0000.059
184 sherl0ck 1.0000.058
185 Slopwn 1.0000.058
186 D3xt3r 1.0000.058
187 Contrail 1.0000.057
188 ZAP 1.0000.057
189 not-a-team 1.0000.057
190 C0r3_unit 1.0000.057
191 thumb 1.0000.056
192 HSG 1.0000.056
193 MhackGyver 1.0000.056
194 K17 1.0000.056
195 BinaryBears 1.0000.055
196 plopperdeplop 1.0000.055
197 NIS 1.0000.055
198 bolgia4 1.0000.055
199 Junkiez 1.0000.054
200 Pwn Leak 1.0000.054
201 KITCTF 1.0000.054
202 Hackeriet 1.0000.054
203 cyber_hawks 1.0000.053
204 soifard 1.0000.053
205 PoisonedBytes 1.0000.053
206 ALLES! 1.0000.053
207 StratumAuhuur 1.0000.052
208 fru2e_b0rced 1.0000.052
209 SHARK 1.0000.052
210 Scrypter 1.0000.052
211 log2 1.0000.051
212 koen 1.0000.051
213 WeedSquad 1.0000.051
214 terminal21 1.0000.051
215 Prosiak District 1.0000.051
216 fsociety 1.0000.050
217 taurus 1.0000.050
218 Beers4Flags 1.0000.050
219 Literally Defending 1.0000.050
220 krhacken 1.0000.049
221 qqzzz 1.0000.049
222 IAM 1.0000.049
223 Pandemic 1.0000.049
224 blitz 1.0000.049
225 Edward Pwnden 1.0000.048
226 Cybernatural 1.0000.048
227 XingXing 1.0000.048
228 KXTI 1.0000.048
229 da_john_yo 1.0000.048
230 Gomi 1.0000.047
231 zaxscd 1.0000.047
232 flagged 1.0000.047
233 lol 1.0000.047
234 KiritoQN 1.0000.047
235 AT0M 1.0000.047
236 parkchanjin 1.0000.046
237 nandayo 1.0000.046
238 NextLine 1.0000.046
239 coolNULL 1.0000.046
240 w0m.bat 1.0000.046
241 C521 1.0000.045
242 hy00un 1.0000.045
243 hack_and_beer 1.0000.045
244 CultOfTheDeadCarrot 1.0000.045
245 G4ngli0s 1.0000.045
246 SwissMadeSecurity 1.0000.045
247 warpig 1.0000.044
248 prostiroot 1.0000.044
249 prz3m 1.0000.044
250 0xc0ffee 1.0000.044
251 Ascope 1.0000.044
252 jamendog 1.0000.044
253 La Team Roquette 1.0000.044
254 Hacknam Style 1.0000.043
255 Blind Horse Contingent 1.0000.043
256 D-.-G 1.0000.043
257 ex3x 1.0000.043
258 TeamCTFNT 1.0000.021
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