Also known as
  • RootMeUpBeforeYouGoGo2
  • Root_Me_Up_Before_You_GoGo
  • WootMeUpBeforeYouGoGo
  • RootMeUpBeforeYouG0G0
  • ABH
  • RootMeUpBeforeGoGo


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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
147TSG CTF 2024200.00001.188
627BYUCTF 2024500.00001.069
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
98HeroCTF v52040.00003.732

Overall rating place: 598 with 57.520 pts in 2022

Country place: 21

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
220DownUnderCTF 2022 (Online) 1433.00002.918
3TeamItaly CTF 20223378.000027.490
15ImaginaryCTF 20225200.000013.088
54zer0pts CTF 2022707.00005.094
41DiceCTF 20221269.00005.545
45Real World CTF 4th172.00003.384

Overall rating place: 71 with 249.102 pts in 2021

Country place: 3

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
19X-MAS CTF 2021 Second Weekend4716.00005.883
30DamCTF 20213933.000012.615
22DEADFACE CTF6072.000014.678
185pbctf 2021134.00000.764
14DownUnderCTF 2021 (Online)7374.000012.723
22FwordCTF 20215450.00006.941
11RaRCTF 20219020.000015.829
25UIUCTF 20212631.00006.636
3IJCTF 20216494.000016.568
5CyberThreatForce CTF | 20216835.00000.000
2THC CTF 20216431.000033.505
15Zh3r0 CTF V26176.00009.239
23Pwn2Win CTF 20211257.000019.002
5NorzhCTF 2021297.000018.158
9DawgCTF 20215530.00000.000
21HeroCTF v32541.00009.923
73PlaidCTF 2021351.00007.088
8ångstromCTF 20214685.000039.793
41LINE CTF 2021250.00001.406
11UTCTF 202130242.000032.379
93NahamCon CTF 20217046.00006.219
18zer0pts CTF 20211892.000010.282
4Aero CTF 20212764.000031.617
9Union CTF 20213784.000017.062
4SecureBug CTF1700.000025.188
145TrollCAT CTF 2021990.00002.484
57DiceCTF 2021845.00004.846
32justCTF [*] 20201152.00007.796
27BambooFox CTF 20211773.00009.165
56Real World CTF 3rd160.00002.461
14TetCTF 20211762.00006.443

Overall rating place: 67 with 278.040 pts in 2020

Country place: 4

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
26VULNCON CTF 20203369.00006.368
60#kksctf open 20201186.00003.053
1X-MAS CTF 202017945.00000.000
10DefCamp CTF 2020 Online5671.000030.658
2CTF 313 2020247.000030.182
44HITCON CTF 2020871.000019.158
36Dragon CTF 20201153.000025.721
10Block CTF 20201151.000021.092
11KipodAfterFree CTF 20202344.000014.153
14CyberSecurityRumble CTF4739.000013.946 CTF 20202747.000051.920
2DamCTF 202010004.000034.459
6b01lers CTF bootcamp4810.000022.339
25BsidesBOS CTF5143.000011.656
78TokyoWesterns CTF 6th 2020597.000013.010
12ALLES! CTF 20202011.000011.901

Team members

Team writeups

Dragon CTF 2021Run of the Mill [202]read writeup
DownUnderCTF 2021 (Online)write what where [310]read writeup
DownUnderCTF 2021 (Online)ready, bounce, pwn! [436]read writeup
FwordCTF 2021Blacklist Revenge [896]read writeup
FwordCTF 2021Peaky & the Brain [968]read writeup
RaRCTF 2021Unintended [400]read writeup
UIUCTF 2021signals [56]read writeup
ImaginaryCTF 2021speedrun [200]read writeup
ImaginaryCTF 2021Inkaphobia [300]read writeup
UIUCTF 2021Gonnegtions [477]read writeup
IJCTF 2021baby-sum [957]read writeup
HSCTF 8House of Sice [481]read writeup
THC CTF 2021CRAPSemu [493]read writeup
THC CTF 2021babyjop [250]read writeup
ångstromCTF 2021uql [250]read writeup
ångstromCTF 2021wallstreet [210]read writeup
ångstromCTF 2021pawn [200]read writeup
ångstromCTF 2021carpal tunnel syndrome [300]read writeup
Aero CTF 2021Shell Master 2 [484]read writeup
Block CTF 2020Happy Fun Binary Dragon's Hoard read writeup
Block CTF 2020Happy Fun Binary Pt.3 read writeup
Block CTF 2020Happy Fun Binary Pt.2 read writeup
KipodAfterFree CTF 2020OSDev [490]read writeup
KipodAfterFree CTF 20208byte [432]read writeup
CyberSecurityRumble CTFCSAdventure [300+300]read writeup
CyberSecurityRumble CTFEZExfil [300+300]read writeup
CyberSecurityRumble CTFPady McPadface [200 + 132]read writeup
CyberSecurityRumble CTFbflol [486]read writeup
DamCTF 2020Malware - Phase 3 [400]read writeup
DamCTF 2020Malware - Phase 2 [400]read writeup
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