Fri, 27 Aug. 2021, 17:00 UTC — Sun, 29 Aug. 2021, 05:00 UTC 


FwordCTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 34.53 

Rating weight: 24.42 

Event organizers 

FwordCTF is a Capture the Flag (CTF) competition organized by Fword team. It is an online, jeopardy-style competition, which will be held on the 27th of August 2021 , Participants will compete to solve different challenges from a range of categories including Binary Exploitation, Reverse Engineering, Web Exploitation, Forensics, Cryptography ...
Difficulty: Medium - Hard


Pwn & Patch
400€ Cash Prize
4 * 1 month CybertaTents premium
3 * 1 year Root-Me Premium Account
3 * 12 months VIP HackTheBox
Goodies (Root-Me T-shirt + Fword Stickers ..)
4 x 12 months PentesterLab PRO
CV Reviews from Synacktiv

3 * 1 month CybertaTents premium
3 * 6 months Root-Me Premium Account
2 * 12 months + 1 * 6 months VIP HackTheBox
4 * 6 months PentesterLab PRO
CV Reviews from Synacktiv

2 * 1 month CybertaTents Premium
3 * 3 months Root-Me Premium Account
3 * 6 months VIP HackTheBox
4 * 3 months PentesterLab PRO
CV Reviews from Synacktiv

1 * 1 month CybertaTents premium
3 * 50% Reduction on Root-Me Premium Account
1 * 3 months + 2 * 1 months VIP HackTheBox

3 * 50% Reduction on Root-Me Premium Account
3 * 1 months VIP HackTheBox

#6 - #10:
50% Reduction on Root-Me Premium Account

Top Tunisian Team:
Pwn & Patch Internship + Possible Recruitment


428 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 thehackerscrew 22823.00048.840
2 the3000 19850.00033.449
3 irNoobs 19829.00029.357
4 CyberErudites 17858.00025.213
5 H4K47L4N1M 16859.00022.923
6 bootplug 16155.00021.355
7 idek 15871.00020.470
8 bi0s 14879.00018.973
9 The Unexpendables 13936.00017.624
10 /mnt/ain 11264.00014.494
11 WlEd NdHaF 11189.00014.192
12 zer0pts 10385.00013.147
13 Black Bauhinia 10165.00012.755
14 hackstreetboys 9201.00011.589
15 N33rdZ 8451.00010.670
16 ARESx 7502.0009.553
17 Ganesh 7102.0009.035
18 bi0sblr 6699.0008.524
19 Cyb0rg$ 6381.0008.113
20 0xL4ugh 6233.0007.890
21 Scavenger Security 5630.0007.187
22 RootMeUpBeforeYouGoGo 5450.0006.941
23 d4rkc0de 5380.0006.818
24 NUSHmallows 5268.0006.654
25 BreakPoint 5036.0006.365
26 ZH3R0 4844.0006.122
27 crypt0nite 4275.0005.479
28 noraneco 4204.0005.370
29 warlock 4186.0005.321
30 ADDVulcan 4155.0005.260
31 Sp33d_0f_T1m3 4126.0005.202
32 Shellphish 4001.0005.044
33 Tsami 3903.0004.916
34 pwntheroot 3876.0004.865
35 TCache Money 3778.0004.740
36 buttf14g 3764.0004.706
37 Which-Thread-Is-Our-Overflow-In?? 3744.0004.666
38 b01lers 3744.0004.649
39 Knightsec 3682.0004.566
40 LaMalice 3555.0004.414
41 EvilBunnyWrote 3489.0004.329
42 m1t0 3466.0004.290
43 TAPZCREW 3379.0004.183
44 k 3366.0004.157
45 Infinite loop 3356.0004.133
46 xchg eax, eax 3279.0004.039
47 teamhacker 3257.0004.004
48 IIT(BHU)CyberSec 3182.0003.913
49 HuntsvilleTechSupport 3165.0003.885
50 PwnProphecy 3120.0003.827
51 \xEIP 3065.0003.758
52 Mamak4Life 3024.0003.705
53 HKCTF 2950.0003.617
54 exzettabyte 2802.0003.450
55 Isengard 2769.0003.407
56 OAO 2759.0003.388
57 SEKTE GADENG 2745.0003.365
58 Acceleration 2725.0003.337
59 Red Knights 2690.0003.292
60 kasiatutej 2676.0003.270
61 Cyber Cadet Yes Unit 2612.0003.195
62 Model/Actors 2604.0003.180
63 nyolo 2547.0003.113
64 hope 2498.0003.054
65 purf3ct 2470.0003.019
66 nope 2460.0003.002
67 m1z0r3 2434.0002.969
68 TeamH4C 2398.0002.925
69 Nupakachi 2398.0002.920
70 PeanutButter.jar 2388.0002.904
71 kalmarunionen 2330.0002.837
72 The Additional Payphones 2276.0002.774
73 Thieves Den 2094.0002.575
74 Emu Exploit 2022.0002.493
75 byc_404 1831.0002.285
76 dm0 1778.0002.224
77 e^iπ+1day 1774.0002.215
78 wolvsec 1774.0002.211
79 ChasingFlags 1774.0002.207
80 asdasd123 1764.0002.193
81 Capture the Swag 1745.0002.169
82 BTeam 1706.0002.123
83 5 anh em sieu nhan 1604.0002.010
84 MAGER 1600.0002.003
85 redHawk 1594.0001.993
86 compscipaniq 1571.0001.965
87 Curious Tourists 1548.0001.937
88 HitoriKing 1504.0001.887
89 Karatus 1502.0001.881
90 niche 1502.0001.878
91 y0d31 1502.0001.875
92 SweetArmy 1492.0001.862
93 SignificantBits 1492.0001.859
94 name 1492.0001.856
95 room2042 1452.0001.811
96 SKR 1356.0001.705
97 Cyb3rTh1eveZ 1356.0001.703
98 ToInfinityAndBeYANd 1356.0001.700
99 ArenaQuakerCTF 1356.0001.698
100 TOPKEK IS THE BEST CAKE 1352.0001.691
101 Pwntugal 1352.0001.688
102 K3RN3L4RMY 1256.0001.583
103 B14ckD00r 1246.0001.570
104 Maple Bacon 1100.0001.412
105 Sheeshhh 998.0001.300
106 cat ./challenge | strings | grep flag 990.0001.290
107 mpfi 977.0001.274
108 hwanjae 971.0001.265
109 GautamGreat 961.0001.252
110 BackMoon 866.0001.149
111 JustForTest 866.0001.147
112 Mr$JuliaIG0tHitByT4bakis 866.0001.145
113 cyb3rTUN 866.0001.143
114 banua 866.0001.141
115 RootUS 866.0001.139
116 noOne 856.0001.126
117 tsuto 848.0001.116
118 S0FTS3C 848.0001.114
119 CTF.SG 848.0001.113
120 Turbofr0g 848.0001.111
121 dakchi 848.0001.109
122 CripplingDepression 848.0001.108
123 CybSec 848.0001.106
124 ns4style 844.0001.100
125 TeamAardvark 844.0001.098
126 WebSpiders 844.0001.097
127 Hacklabor 844.0001.095
128 Polymero 838.0001.087
129 ByteForc3 838.0001.086
130 Darkside 838.0001.084
131 TBD 838.0001.083
132 Sophisticated Society of Delinquents 836.0001.079
133 Flagsomnia 836.0001.078
134 Tawuran Bos 834.0001.075
135 Self.Jsouto 834.0001.073
136 $wag 834.0001.072
137 Vape_and_Dab 834.0001.071
138 16j 826.0001.061
139 Mutual recognition 826.0001.059
140 Fragmented Union of Cascaded Kids 776.0001.005
141 fr334aks 776.0001.003
142 h5 748.0000.972
143 r3quiem 748.0000.971
144 no_clue 748.0000.970
145 cryp71x3rz 748.0000.969
146 omggstuff 738.0000.957
147 asdfasdfasdf 738.0000.956
148 md5 738.0000.955
149 TeamName 738.0000.954
150 Pelarian CP ehe 738.0000.952
151 h1z412qg 738.0000.951
152 panzer 738.0000.950
153 qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqorr 676.0000.883
154 TEAM0001 676.0000.882
155 CyberSpace 676.0000.881
156 0skillz 666.0000.869
157 Cryptonite 618.0000.817
158 MyrTeam 618.0000.816
159 BIT CRIMINALS 618.0000.815
160 Dumby_Variable 618.0000.814
161 l0wkeiiii 618.0000.813
162 1nf1n1ty 618.0000.812
163 42Lausanne 618.0000.811
164 Applicative 618.0000.810
165 Rootmob 608.0000.799
166 ahengers 518.0000.701
167 0v3rf10w 518.0000.700
168 Disturbed_Ginger 518.0000.700
169 phara0h 518.0000.699
170 MHax3ers 518.0000.698
171 BadWolf 518.0000.697
172 Testausserveri 518.0000.696
173 Innovery 518.0000.695
174 TheZakMan 518.0000.695
175 0x78104105 508.0000.683
176 SpookyWooky 508.0000.682
177 ENOFLAG 508.0000.682
178 j09man 110.0000.255
179 Th3_Order_Of_th3_pH0en1x 110.0000.254
180 Last_Kobans 110.0000.253
181 HyP32x 110.0000.253
182 HugsForBugs 110.0000.252
183 Youwelcome 110.0000.251
184 kal1 110.0000.250
185 54010N 110.0000.250
186 level_Zero 110.0000.249
187 French Poetry 110.0000.248
188 H4CK35 4C3 110.0000.248
189 Balberg Flagg & Service AS 110.0000.247
190 Byt3Scr4pp3rs 110.0000.246
191 CCUP 110.0000.246
192 Spikers 110.0000.245
193 Scuttlefish 110.0000.244
194 cy320 110.0000.244
195 Bermuda 110.0000.243
196 F0x2C 110.0000.242
197 we ask nicely for flag 110.0000.242
198 scriptkitties 110.0000.241
199 NVN 110.0000.240
200 !FBT 110.0000.240
201 N30Z30N 100.0000.228
202 pwnalone 100.0000.228
203 Vox Dei 100.0000.227
204 desyncbrigade 100.0000.227
205 Sieberrsec 100.0000.226
206 l0neW0lf 100.0000.226
207 AEX 100.0000.225
208 erdn4 100.0000.224
209 random 100.0000.224
210 tryhardboi 100.0000.223
211 dickjustice228 100.0000.223
212 stevenseagal 10.0000.126
213 Cancit Panton 10.0000.125
214 FlagsAddictors 10.0000.125
215 Sherlock Gnomes 10.0000.124
216 kaito 10.0000.124
217 trojonHex 10.0000.123
218 ssh.connect 10.0000.123
219 S3c5murf 10.0000.122
220 Just Payload 10.0000.122
221 ctfailures 10.0000.121
222 0xdeface 10.0000.121
223 9SEC 10.0000.120
224 fLAGers 10.0000.120
225 noobs 10.0000.119
226 NaijaSecForce 10.0000.119
227 Cyb3rN00bs 10.0000.118
228 Hackatsuk1 10.0000.118
229 ece go brrrr 10.0000.117
230 !ntrus'!on 10.0000.117
231 {RandomFlaG} 10.0000.116
232 c0mmr4d3s 10.0000.116
233 taln 10.0000.116
234 sasaasas 10.0000.115
235 RedNeck 10.0000.115
236 S3R3N1TY{CTFT} 10.0000.114
237 hero383 10.0000.114
238 $uck My Trojan 10.0000.113
239 DNF 10.0000.113
240 NSOC 10.0000.112
241 TheBananas 10.0000.112
242 kakaroto 10.0000.112
243 OnlyFlags 10.0000.111
244 sudo_team 10.0000.111
245 The Paranoia 10.0000.110
246 00XFORCE 10.0000.110
247 sweet 10.0000.110
248 castilho 10.0000.109
249 stankc 10.0000.109
250 THE_DARK_TECH 10.0000.108
251 s3cur3_sh3ll 10.0000.108
252 الهرم الرابع 10.0000.108
253 F1@9-Sn1p3rs 10.0000.107
254 beluga 10.0000.107
255 base64 10.0000.106
256 0xnasm 10.0000.106
257 0xdeadbeef 10.0000.106
258 LifeIsPotato 10.0000.105
259 LSP 10.0000.105
260 ItPwns - Intergalactic Team of PWNers 10.0000.105
261 DigitalOverdose 10.0000.104
262 Federal_Bonk_Investigations 10.0000.104
263 nhl4000 10.0000.104
264 Pentesters 10.0000.103
265 C4tf14g.txt 10.0000.103
266 csictf 10.0000.103
267 DeepSeaBusch 10.0000.102
268 Dec0ders 10.0000.102
269 randomname1 10.0000.101
270 10.0000.101
271 Anyhow 10.0000.101
272 Dosmur 10.0000.100
273 Cr4KZ_Corporation 10.0000.100
274 Forkbenders 10.0000.100
275 cyber_guys 10.0000.099
276 fork_bomb 10.0000.099
277 csarmy 10.0000.099
278 EISCTUTN 10.0000.099
279 Alternative_Success 10.0000.098
280 Dr4gonfly 10.0000.098
281 zero_cool 10.0000.098
282 noobs-team 10.0000.097
283 Zima 10.0000.097
284 Priv8Corp 10.0000.097
285 HDFR 10.0000.096
286 PTZCTF 10.0000.096
287 DeathStars 10.0000.096
288 architmoom 10.0000.095
289 ISSAH 10.0000.095
290 3nsaf_Cart3l 10.0000.095
291 LesTontonsFl4gueurs 10.0000.095
292 deadlocked 10.0000.094
293 H4WK3Y3 10.0000.094
294 Loafers 10.0000.094
295 pon65 10.0000.093
296 idek.JT 10.0000.093
297 Ret2DeezNuts 10.0000.093
298 Crib_Warrior 10.0000.093
299 AWP? 10.0000.092
300 Shady Jays 10.0000.092
301 StrawHatPirates 10.0000.092
302 upbhack 10.0000.092
303 EntrePlicas 10.0000.091
304 TheBlackEyedExploits 10.0000.091
305 OSUSEC 10.0000.091
306 M0n3y M@ch1n3 10.0000.091
307 TheNulls 10.0000.090
308 Clinkz 10.0000.090
309 justL00king 10.0000.090
310 ex3x 10.0000.089
311 Lookin for team 10.0000.089
312 KapiSec 10.0000.089
313 Cyberwildcats 10.0000.089
314 CSALab_Sec 10.0000.088
315 subrsp0x27 10.0000.088
316 dcua 10.0000.088
317 Xx_Cygeek 10.0000.088
318 thesolos 10.0000.087
319 gruf 10.0000.087
320 ret2rev 10.0000.087
321 phasetw0 10.0000.087
322 kgrzk 10.0000.087
323 5upernova 10.0000.086
324 fs 10.0000.086
325 rub1ck 10.0000.086
326 fzhshzh 10.0000.086
327 PIS_m41n 10.0000.085
328 imesec1337 10.0000.085
329 ITUS 10.0000.085
330 SOCTEAMPH 10.0000.085
331 qwerty 10.0000.084
332 2cr4sh 10.0000.084
333 SupportUnderTheDesk 10.0000.084
334 Catastrophe 10.0000.084
335 0xYourMum 10.0000.084
336 DoomHack 10.0000.083
337 zyLeo 10.0000.083
338 HackWithMe 10.0000.083
339 Mo0n 10.0000.083
340 hmmm 10.0000.083
341 PIS 10.0000.082
342 10.0000.082
343 AnGry_BirDs_ReL0aDed 10.0000.082
344 UIT-KiD 10.0000.082
345 bad monolith 10.0000.081
346 TheMyths 10.0000.081
347 Still DIGing 10.0000.081
348 nonzeroday 10.0000.081
349 Wefal1 10.0000.081
350 FlatHeads 10.0000.080
351 n0ti0n 10.0000.080
352 mark0 10.0000.080
353 zongsjs 10.0000.080
354 dev_sec 10.0000.080
355 5t1nK T4nK 10.0000.079
356 Hack@Sec 10.0000.079
357 Dark_Warrior$ 10.0000.079
358 Megaduck 10.0000.079
359 Race Car Drivers 10.0000.079
360 zj12 10.0000.079
361 Eyetravaganze 10.0000.078
362 INSPIV 10.0000.078
363 noa 10.0000.078
364 iman 10.0000.078
365 BUDAM 10.0000.078
366 vslook 10.0000.077
367 Unravel Bureau 10.0000.077
368 aaab 10.0000.077
369 Black-3agls 10.0000.077
370 NooBz 10.0000.077
371 0x213 10.0000.077
372 WGP 10.0000.076
373 \x4247Sec 10.0000.076
374 Watch4Hack 10.0000.076
375 just solo 10.0000.076
376 Slab Allocator 10.0000.076
377 sbstm 10.0000.075
378 kite 10.0000.075
379 geuristic 10.0000.075
380 b00t_Error1890 10.0000.075
381 S4m3_N4mE 10.0000.075
382 Ov3rH4ck 10.0000.075
383 h4ck 10.0000.074
384 bangedaemo 10.0000.074
385 APA Razi 10.0000.074
386 h3x_w0und 10.0000.074
387 blackpinker 10.0000.074
388 3ATTA33AT 10.0000.074
389 Testing 10.0000.073
390 Kakawia 10.0000.073
391 somayi2021 10.0000.073
392 Fword 10.0000.073
393 Pwn October 10.0000.073
394 hackebøf 10.0000.073
395 MiniRocketTeam 10.0000.073
396 The Keepers 10.0000.072
397 lit 10.0000.072
398 Tinfoil Hats 10.0000.072
399 RabbiTown 10.0000.072
400 hinew 10.0000.072
401 X00bytes 10.0000.072
402 JHDiscord 10.0000.071
403 Knight Squad 10.0000.071
404 Arn4kiAspr0KaiP4xy 10.0000.071
405 4L0n3 10.0000.071
406 7idden 10.0000.071
407 just4test 10.0000.071
408 fghcvjk 10.0000.071
409 learning 10.0000.070
410 cyberpunk 10.0000.070
411 N0Named 10.0000.070
412 Solo1.0 10.0000.070
413 Falcon 10.0000.070
414 wqsemc汪锦岐公众号视频号 10.0000.070
415 BeginnerWH 10.0000.070
416 x3242134asd 10.0000.069
417 Adiath 10.0000.069
418 ErrorSheet 10.0000.069
419 zlskey 10.0000.069
420 EUPO 10.0000.069
421 Qub3icles 10.0000.069
422 romeo 10.0000.069
423 What's the Character Limit on this website? 10.0000.068
424 WeAreVirtual 10.0000.068
425 CR1MS0NR41D3R5 10.0000.068
426 jodytrash 10.0000.068
427 Gemooy 10.0000.068
428 Qrackers 10.0000.034
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