Sat, 27 Nov. 2021, 12:00 UTC — Sun, 28 Nov. 2021, 12:00 UTC 


Dragon CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 95.78 

Rating weight: 99.33 

Event organizers 

Registration is now open!


247 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Balsn 3830.000198.660
2 organizers 3767.000147.361
3 More Smoked Leet Chicken 2933.000109.177
4 hxp 2575.00091.614
5 Super Guesser 2534.00085.585
6 cgroup 2391.00078.565
7 Water Paddler 1834.00061.754
8 DiceGang 1777.00058.502
9 Never Stop Exploiting 1700.00055.126
10 fmkw 1482.00048.368
11 Black Bauhinia 1423.00045.935
12 p4 1405.00044.716
13 Nu1L 1367.00043.094
14 The Flat Network Society 1367.00042.548
15 ./Vespiary 1165.00036.836
16 ALLES! 1090.00034.477
17 r3kapig 1090.00034.112
18 Tasteless 1072.00033.320
19 justCatTheFish 1072.00033.030
20 KTHCTF0x1 1072.00032.769
21 rufigoofy 947.00029.290
22 retirees 888.00027.545
23 Root Me Up Before You Go Go 870.00026.882
24 STT 870.00026.702
25 KUDoS 870.00026.536
26 Maple Bacon 870.00026.384
27 ID-10-T 795.00024.297
28 Knightsec 795.00024.166
29 thehackerscrew 795.00024.043
30 WreckTheLine 795.00023.929
31 dodododo 795.00023.822
32 mode13h 795.00023.722
33 perfect blue 795.00023.628
34 TheRomanXpl0it 795.00023.540
35 LosFuzzys 795.00023.456
36 onepunchpwn 795.00023.377
37 Gratin 724.00021.461
38 CeSeNA_ULISSecurity 593.00017.993
39 WE_0WN_Y0U 593.00017.926
40 ffffx00000 593.00017.863
41 Yesman 593.00017.802
42 Sexy-AllpAcks 593.00017.744
43 Epic Leet Team 593.00017.689
44 Ridge Racer 593.00017.637
45 onotch 593.00017.587
46 化け物みたいな劣等感 593.00017.539
47 Hyp3rFlow 593.00017.493
48 bi0s 542.00016.126
49 The Pentagon 502.00015.046
50 SIGPwny 449.00013.631
51 kalmarunionen 437.00013.281
52 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 437.00013.244
53 upbhack 437.00013.208
54 t_firmware_section 391.00011.980
55 adrian17 391.00011.946
56 0op s 391.00011.914
57 sln.1550 391.00011.883
58 ROIS 391.00011.853
59 Darkside 391.00011.824
60 Brunnerne 391.00011.796
61 RTN 391.00011.769
62 Holz Hackers Inc 391.00011.743
63 bessere 391.00011.717
64 p4wnWAT 391.00011.693
65 traP 391.00011.669
66 noraneco 391.00011.645
67 SKR 391.00011.623
68 Hackappatoi 391.00011.601
69 Infinite loop 386.00011.450
70 LamDyoMong 386.00011.430
71 MorningLightMountain 358.00010.684
72 acdwas 293.0008.978
73 pingCTF 293.0008.960
74 team enu 293.0008.941
75 OneManTeam 277.0008.508
76 xXxpassword123xXx 247.0007.713
77 FireShell 247.0007.696
78 xtal 247.0007.679
79 Blue Hens 247.0007.663
80 potato.gif_2.0 247.0007.648
81 YOR 247.0007.632
82 CyberSlacker 235.0007.306
83 heabi 235.0007.291
84 idek 235.0007.277
85 brainee 235.0007.263
86 sf 235.0007.250
87 Th3_Order_Of_th3_pH0en1x 235.0007.236
88 Kernel Sanders 235.0007.223
89 ARESx 235.0007.211
90 justme 235.0007.198
91 CyberUnicorn 235.0007.186
92 TTT-team 235.0007.174
93 TokyoWesterns 235.0007.163
94 Unicorns of Security 235.0007.151
95 Bitwiser 235.0007.140
96 Eiona 235.0007.129
97 BTeam 156.0005.070
98 AloneInTheDark 156.0005.059
99 AloneInTheCTF 156.0005.049
100 L 144.0004.728
101 aimir 144.0004.718
102 babyline 144.0004.708
103 dqi 144.0004.699
104 ru5mu5 144.0004.690
105 m1z0r3 144.0004.681
106 watevr 144.0004.672
107 Wunderleth 144.0004.663
108 andbogdan 91.0003.280
109 CyberPizza 91.0003.271
110 letmein 91.0003.263
111 we_are_random 91.0003.255
112 practice_mode: on 91.0003.247
113 katoks team 91.0003.239
114 N00BT3@m 91.0003.231
115 CAMOUFLAGED 91.0003.224
116 scimus_verum 91.0003.216
117 0x01DA 91.0003.209
118 ST4RT 91.0003.202
119 Babs&Bubs&Bakaresh 91.0003.195
120 CYB3R_T3N4CI0US 91.0003.188
121 TheCluelessOnes 91.0003.181
122 kamesuke42 91.0003.174
123 Try A9ain 91.0003.168
124 kgrzk 91.0003.161
125 UiACTF 91.0003.155
126 gudboy 91.0003.148
127 B1T5crew 91.0003.142
128 D34nhK13n 91.0003.136
129 Wani Hackase 91.0003.130
130 CboRg16 91.0003.124
131 dont_thread_on_me 91.0003.118
132 onealmond 91.0003.113
133 pwnk1d113 91.0003.107
134 sant268-solo 91.0003.101
135 cddc12346 91.0003.096
136 leafhead 91.0003.090
137 Looper 91.0003.085
138 TeamWBH 91.0003.080
139 AlbSociety 91.0003.075
140 SpicyPotatoes 91.0003.070
141 Capture the Swag 91.0003.065
142 arancinHaCK 91.0003.060
143 AllAlone 91.0003.055
144 ByteBandits 91.0003.050
145 Xyz 91.0003.045
146 RedLight 91.0003.040
147 GoN 91.0003.036
148 91.0003.031
149 Teehacking 91.0003.027
150 PrinceOfVampires 91.0003.022
151 hswaw 91.0003.018
152 lonley_team 91.0003.014
153 blanc. 91.0003.009
154 TheFallingShadow 91.0003.005
155 The Maccabees 91.0003.001
156 BrainOverflow 91.0002.997
157 who@mI 91.0002.993
158 havce 91.0002.989
159 Alpha Beta Alpha Pi 91.0002.985
160 PWr Synt@x Err0r 91.0002.981
161 LetsGetSomeKnowledge 91.0002.977
162 Sc0rp1on04 91.0002.973
163 Hidebu 91.0002.969
164 Jasmine 91.0002.966
165 g1- 91.0002.962
166 CTF{Runn3rs} 91.0002.958
167 Basilisk 91.0002.955
168 idekJT 91.0002.951
169 dreamteam 91.0002.948
170 0x41head 91.0002.944
171 DD 91.0002.941
172 Caffeine Abusers 91.0002.938
173 ZorBor 91.0002.934
174 AAAA 91.0002.931
175 Inner Savages 91.0002.928
176 Ran42 91.0002.924
177 Cyb0ts 91.0002.921
178 homesarr 91.0002.918
179 r5 91.0002.915
180 Priv8Corp 91.0002.912
181 ItsNotGoodName 91.0002.909
182 l1nfinityl 91.0002.906
183 Team 23 91.0002.903
184 ktx 91.0002.900
185 BinaryBearsJunior 91.0002.897
186 Akasec 91.0002.894
187 Sunnies Club 91.0002.891
188 Federal_Bonk_Investigations 91.0002.888
189 asd123 91.0002.886
190 Bl4sph3my 91.0002.883
191 FesSociety 91.0002.880
192 FITSEC 91.0002.877
193 ice-cream truck 91.0002.875
194 FFSwhoami 91.0002.872
195 PWN0xC00FF33 91.0002.869
196 Gray Hat Hackers Community 91.0002.867
197 coffee drinkers 91.0002.864
198 phildragonbleu 91.0002.862
199 datsoa1 91.0002.859
200 Pierre 91.0002.857
201 ashiri 91.0002.854
202 OnlyFeet 91.0002.852
203 4c1d_k47 91.0002.849
204 JohN TitoR 91.0002.847
205 thrumbos 91.0002.845
206 lol 91.0002.842
207 Spektre 91.0002.840
208 badsctr 91.0002.838
209 BombelTeam 91.0002.835
210 rillettecornichon 91.0002.833
211 l0wlife_ 91.0002.831
212 _lolz_ 91.0002.829
213 Simple_tuck 91.0002.826
214 Z3R0 91.0002.824
215 91.0002.822
216 Pain 91.0002.820
217 Fenris 91.0002.818
218 EvilBunnyWrote 91.0002.816
219 CyberTouristesFongicides 91.0002.814
220 hyperluminal 91.0002.812
221 PoroSus 91.0002.810
222 BamBOo^^ 91.0002.807
223 fzhshzh 91.0002.805
224 Cybernated Wizards 91.0002.803
225 bawolff 91.0002.802
226 13bd37 91.0002.800
227 Vidar-Team 91.0002.798
228 f 91.0002.796
229 Niho 91.0002.794
230 Houston 91.0002.792
231 art 91.0002.790
232 VENTEN 91.0002.788
233 METUNCC 91.0002.786
234 The_Apocalypse 91.0002.785
235 w1re_t1 91.0002.783
236 0xSAZZAD 91.0002.781
237 pappo 91.0002.779
238 cosmos 91.0002.777
239 greenhorn 91.0002.776
240 Immaculate Heart of Mary College 91.0002.774
241 Cr4ckThump0 91.0002.772
242 buddiesss 91.0002.771
243 Dr4gonfly 91.0002.769
244 AWP? 91.0002.767
245 aloo_parantha 91.0002.765
246 Hack@Sec 91.0002.764
247 darby 91.0001.381
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