Tags: morse discord encyryption 

Rating: 4.0

The number given in the hint for this challenge, 636274425917865984, while possibly looking like a time stamp, is a discord ID. Using the text channel used for the cat-chat challenge, we can look for a message with that id which will have [this link](https://discordapp.com/channels/624036526157987851/633364891616411667/636274425917865984). This link can be found by taking any arbitrary message from the channel, copying the link, and replacing the last number with the number given in the challenge. This will lead to the following message:

meowmeowmeow nyanyanyanya purr meownyanyanya meownyameowmeow purr meow nyanyanyanya nya purr nyameowmeow nyameow meownyameowmeow meowmeownyanyameowmeow purr nyanyanyanya nya nyameownya nya nyameowmeowmeowmeownya nyanyanya purr nyameow purr nyameownyanya nyanya meow meow nyameownyanya nya purr nyanyanya meowmeowmeow meowmeow nya meow nyanyanyanya nyanya meownya meowmeownya meowmeowmeownyanyanya purr nyameowmeow meowmeowmeowmeowmeow nyameowmeow nyanyameowmeownyameow meownyanya nyameowmeowmeowmeow nyanyanyanyanya meownyameownya meowmeowmeowmeowmeow nyameownya meownyanya nyanyameowmeownyameow nyanyanyanya nyanyanyanyameow nyanyanya nyanyameowmeownyameow nyanyanya nyanyanyameowmeow nyanyanyanyameow nyameownya meownyameownya nyanyanyanya nyanyameowmeownyameow nyanyameownya nyanyanyameowmeow nyanyanyanyameow meow nyanyameow nyameownya nyanyanyameowmeow nyanyanyanyanya

This is morse code (meow is dash, nya is dot, and purr is a new word). Using a simple morse code translator, we can trasnlate this message to get the flag. (I apologize, I don't have my script on me, but it's very simple. Just turn the words into dots and dashes by using ```string.replace()``` and then take that output and use an online morse code translator to get the flag.