Wed, 27 Dec. 2017, 20:00 UTC — Fri, 29 Dec. 2017, 20:00 UTC 


C3CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 100.00 

Rating weight: 88.49 

Event organizers 

Hi CTFers,

we're happy to announce our 6th anniversary of the C3 CTF, which will be held during the 34th Chaos Communication Congress in Leipzig. This Jeopardy style CTF is open to everyone and can be played online. It will start on Dec. 27, 20:00 UTC and last 48h until Dec. 29, 20:00 UTC. As always, don't try to ruin other people's fun.

There will be pwnage!


Twitter: @EatSleepPwnRpt


187 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 pasten 6746.000176.980
2 Tea Deliverers 6241.000126.111
3 Dragon Sector 5490.000101.511
4 A*0*E 4703.00083.814
5 CodiSec 3872.00068.489
6 217 3806.00064.673
7 TokyoWesterns 3720.00061.438
8 !SpamAndHex 2375.00042.215
9 hxp 2272.00039.635
10 Tasteless 2176.00037.392
11 fail0verflow 2030.00034.673
12 RPISEC 2018.00033.845
13 Never Stop Exploiting 1997.00033.002
14 p4 1911.00031.388
15 British EBFE 1888.00030.665
16 ALLES! 1864.00029.981
17 5BC 1533.00025.314
18 binja 1414.00023.464
19 Shellphish 1039.00018.286
20 LosFuzzys 989.00017.398
21 VXRL 861.00015.508
22 BambooFox 775.00014.188
23 LC↯BC 753.00013.725
24 pwnies 746.00013.473
25 Insanity 739.00013.233
26 dcua 661.00012.074
27 Bushwhackers 646.00011.751
28 586.00010.847
29 0daysober 581.00010.673
30 Nu1L 570.00010.427
31 WE_0WN_Y0U 564.00010.253
32 VoidLegion 514.0009.508
33 OpenToAll 511.0009.385
34 Top of the ROP 506.0009.240
35 Thomas 499.0009.074
36 Balsn 497.0008.977
37 MV9rwGOf08 482.0008.714
38 RedDevils 476.0008.573
39 xSTF 475.0008.500
40 NotACup 427.0007.813
41 STT 424.0007.720
42 WillBuyWeedFor0day 423.0007.656
43 srl33ts 423.0007.607
44 Einging3 415.0007.455
45 2 many homes 4 1 kid 411.0007.358
46 Harekaze 411.0007.315
47 FluxFingers 404.0007.182
48 MeePwn 394.0007.012
49 $wag 392.0006.948
50 Tower of Hanoi 338.0006.203
51 HackingForSoju 336.0006.143
52 UnbekannteHacker 304.0005.689
53 m1z0r3 261.0005.093
54 Speaterz 244.0004.839
55 Nightmare Mechasheep 244.0004.810
56 Epic Leet Team 242.0004.755
57 0x34044 242.0004.727
58 _ISR_ 211.0004.293
59 ivachyou 199.0004.110
60 ChocolateMakers 199.0004.085
61 CSI 199.0004.061
62 SiBears 199.0004.038
63 T0X1C V4P0R 193.0003.936
64 SUSlo.PAS 182.0003.770
65 petite byte 162.0003.486
66 Hacknam Style 162.0003.466
67 Deep Blockchain 162.0003.446
68 No Pwn Intended 156.0003.348
69 f1yyy 156.0003.329
70 securisec 156.0003.310
71 i_asked_jeeves 156.0003.293
72 kn0ck 156.0003.275
73 KITCTF 156.0003.259
74 systemtest 156.0003.242
75 EPAD 156.0003.226
76 GoN 154.0003.184
77 justCatTheFish 154.0003.169
78 PwnaSonic 154.0003.155
79 FireShell 154.0003.140
80 go_for_it 150.0003.074
81 khack40 137.0002.890
82 ISITDTU 137.0002.876
83 AceBear 137.0002.863
84 TheRomanXpl0it 137.0002.851
85 c00kies@venice 137.0002.838
86 justdoit 137.0002.826
87 SIGFLAG 137.0002.814
88 Crackchester 137.0002.803
89 0x90r00t 137.0002.791
90 HackXore 137.0002.780
91 .elite 137.0002.770
92 T1pst4r 137.0002.759
93 5 EXploiters 137.0002.749
94 318br 137.0002.738
95 PKTeam 137.0002.729
96 dolphins 137.0002.719
97 exb 137.0002.709
98 0x0ffff5ec 107.0002.307
99 0x00C0FFEE 107.0002.297
100 johnchen902 107.0002.288
101 lonelyday 107.0002.280
102 noxale 107.0002.271
103 The Northern Coalition 88.0002.013
104 SeqSec 88.0002.005
105 DC416 88.0001.997
106 NS 88.0001.989
107 NCC1701D 88.0001.981
108 zepto 88.0001.974
109 Inshall'hack 88.0001.966
110 OPC 88.0001.959
111 EEFB 49.0001.440
112 lololololololol 49.0001.433
113 TeamRocketIst 49.0001.426
114 Pashosh 49.0001.419
115 Colonel0x20 49.0001.412
116 badfirmware 49.0001.406
117 InSecurity 49.0001.399
118 Honeypot 49.0001.393
119 /dev/base 49.0001.386
120 WeBareBears 49.0001.380
121 numidians 49.0001.374
122 brucel33t 49.0001.368
123 dozamine 49.0001.362
124 the cr0wn 49.0001.356
125 Segflow 49.0001.351
126 49.0001.345
127 Leethal 49.0001.340
128 LeaveCat! 49.0001.334
129 Pwntera 49.0001.329
130 NYUSEC 49.0001.323
131 farmingsimulator2015 49.0001.318
132 noTeamName 49.0001.313
133 UCCU 49.0001.308
134 WD-40 49.0001.303
135 y0d31 49.0001.298
136 Test Icicles 49.0001.293
137 K4CT 49.0001.289
138 leeg0ng 49.0001.284
139 dankSquad 49.0001.279
140 mag 49.0001.275
141 Samurai_ 49.0001.270
142 VoidHack 49.0001.266
143 Happy Bus 49.0001.262
144 c1c1c1 49.0001.257
145 The Avenger 49.0001.253
146 d4rkc0de 49.0001.249
147 r00ta 49.0001.245
148 n0psledbyte 49.0001.241
149 Vidar-Team 49.0001.237
150 florek 49.0001.233
151 Snatch The Root 49.0001.229
152 F_T 49.0001.225
153 constant 49.0001.221
154 pINT0x80 49.0001.217
155 Malicious 49.0001.214
156 GFB 49.0001.210
157 SmartGlue 49.0001.206
158 trojans 49.0001.203
159 bi0s 49.0001.199
160 sattumat 49.0001.196
161 foobs 49.0001.192
162 HackThisSite 49.0001.189
163 0x0Dayz 49.0001.186
164 Disaster 49.0001.182
165 w0pr 49.0001.179
166 Securimag 49.0001.176
167 tessier-ashpool 49.0001.173
168 TQD 49.0001.169
169 NightShadow 49.0001.166
170 empire-old 49.0001.163
171 kek factory 49.0001.160
172 Snatch 49.0001.157
173 Darksystem 49.0001.154
174 b0tch_sec 49.0001.151
175 watchdog 49.0001.148
176 LuftensHjaltar 49.0001.146
177 JBZ 49.0001.143
178 noraneco 49.0001.140
179 luxeria 49.0001.137
180 one 49.0001.134
181 TeamCC 49.0001.132
182 1oner 49.0001.129
183 nebe1e 49.0001.126
184 null2root 49.0001.124
185 BadFD 49.0001.121
186 commune41++ 49.0001.119
187 NIS 49.0000.558
danilovaaaaaaDec. 27, 2017, 10:29 p.m.


kristyDec. 29, 2017, 6:05 p.m.


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