Also known as
  • retr0
  • ret2tunisia
  • ret2tun
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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
388KnightCTF 2025550.00001.820
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
321DEADFACE CTF 2024768.00002.518
372L3akCTF 202450.00000.122
1024LA CTF 202425.00000.057
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
804AmateursCTF 202310.00000.040
712UIUCTF 20231.00000.081
462cursedCTF 2023106.00000.227

Overall rating place: 621 with 48.601 pts in 2021

Country place: 6

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
383BuckeyeCTF 202125.00000.158
207RaRCTF 2021670.00001.129
414Crypto CTF 202119.00000.243
29IJCTF 20211759.00003.182
229ImaginaryCTF 2021930.00002.131
256redpwnCTF 20211256.00004.505
7Securinets CTF Finals 2021200.00000.000
248San Diego CTF 202115.00000.000
81HeroCTF v31271.00004.685
79TAMUctf 2021950.00000.000
40S4CTF 2021571.00002.180
58Cyber Apocalypse 202112050.000015.339
95UMDCTF 20213274.00000.000
90HackPack CTF 2021391.00000.000
268Midnight Sun CTF 2021 Quals58.00000.752
11Pragyan CTF 20211125.00004.417
390ångstromCTF 2021550.00004.113
181FooBar CTF 2021300.00000.928
386UMassCTF 2021100.00000.362
52Securinets CTF Quals 20211162.00003.797
73BlueHens CTF 2021697.00001.897
3053NahamCon CTF 202150.00000.050
125DaVinciCTF 2021180.00001.667
924Tenable CTF 2021375.00001.258
201DiceCTF 2021329.00001.841
633justCTF [*] 202050.00000.344

Overall rating place: 182 with 142.918 pts in 2020

Country place: 5

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
122Brixel CTF winter edition460.00000.000
72VULNCON CTF 20201152.00002.193
307hxp CTF 202019.00000.527
18BSides Algiers 2021 Quals754.00003.606
56X-MAS CTF 20203233.00000.000
17boot2root 20205372.00009.353
79DefCamp CTF 2020 Online443.00002.547
346pbctf 20201.00000.076
89CTF 313 20207.00000.795
506HITCON CTF 202050.00001.166
88m0leCon CTF 202056.00000.747
292Balsn CTF 2020110.00000.416
91Block CTF 2020201.00003.456
224SunshineCTF 2020143.00001.015
94KipodAfterFree CTF 202030.00000.414
29Newark Academy CTF 20206951.000013.267
64CyberYoddha CTF 20206525.000012.096
55CyberSecurityRumble CTF2005.00005.563
23RaziCTF 202016742.00009.688
706MetaCTF CyberGames 20201200.00001.838
269Hack The Vote 20201.00000.097 CTF 2020848.000015.345
39Syskron Security CTF 20202720.000011.410
75N1CTF 2020388.00001.750
128Hacktober CTF3130.00008.840
13e-Jornadas 20203000.000013.410
133ISITDTU CTF 2020 Quals100.00000.433
37BSides Delhi CTF 2020895.00002.947
62DamCTF 20202736.00006.478
10b01lers CTF bootcamp4625.000020.095
336TastelessCTF 20201.00000.079
59BsidesBOS CTF2948.00006.532
134BalCCon2k20 CTF49.00000.302
84EKOPARTY CTF 20203511.00006.037
262TokyoWesterns CTF 6th 2020108.00002.503
74DownUnderCTF 20203246.00006.016
124CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20201155.000015.946
25FwordCTF 20206956.00009.868
217Hacker's Playground 2020125.00000.913
425Crypto CTF 202024.00000.193
136PoseidonCTF 1st Edition200.00000.703
153csictf 20205480.00005.866
292CCTF 202057.00000.381
74rgbCTF 20204324.00004.770
500TSG CTF 202049.00000.288
450ASIS CTF Quals 202020.00000.413
6120CTF/TCTF 2020 Quals 12.00000.293
213redpwnCTF 20204715.00005.030
69iHack 2020175.00001.310
143UUTCTF 2020125.00000.603
7Zh3r0 CTF14171.000016.816
178WeCTF 2020100.00000.391
60NahamCon CTF3565.000012.156
23NoobCTF 0x12690.00008.636
131Really Awesome CTF 20205250.00006.955
159HSCTF 73120.00004.635
671HSCTF 7741.00004.635
624Hack-A-Sat Qualifiers16.00000.141
268m0leCon CTF 2020 Teaser53.00000.464
226TJCTF 2020520.00004.172
841DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2020100.00001.430
119S㎩mAndFlags Uけimate w呎は屸de C㏊mᒆonship Teaser ꕫꕫ - ㎩㏚i㎄ Edition10.00000.240
201Tiger King CTF625.00000.000
37Houseplant CTF 202016776.000012.378
77UMDCTF 20202065.00003.297
861WPICTF 20201.00000.044
218HackPack CTF 2020300.00000.000
73Hack Zone Tunisia 2020328.00001.115
369Hexion CTF 2020 Online 50.00000.144
998DawgCTF 2020135.00000.308
718TG:HACK 2020284.00000.651
576AUCTF 20201311.00000.769
128X-MAS GTF 2020804.00000.000
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
1621X-MAS CTF 20191.00000.016
778RITSEC CTF 201911.00000.045
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
2339picoCTF 20183960.00000.000

Team members

Team writeups

boot2root 2020The Heist [496]read writeup
boot2root 2020brokenRSA [493]read writeup
boot2root 2020Euler's Empire [464]read writeup
boot2root 2020Try try but don't cry [449]read writeup
boot2root 2020007 [484]read writeup
rgbCTF 2020Soda Pop Bop [496]read writeup
Zh3r0 CTFSoundless [496]read writeup
Zh3r0 CTFGood Ol' IE [496]read writeup
Zh3r0 CTFUnRemovable [497]read writeup
Zh3r0 CTFsnakes everywhere [500]read writeup
Houseplant CTF 2020Music Lab [207]read writeup
Houseplant CTF 2020Spilled Milk [50]read writeup
Houseplant CTF 2020Neko Hero [50]read writeup
Houseplant CTF 2020CH₃COOH [50]read writeup
Houseplant CTF 2020Rainbow Vomit [535]read writeup
Houseplant CTF 2020…. .- .-.. ..-. [1696]read writeup
Houseplant CTF 2020Selfhost all the things! [1000]read writeup
Houseplant CTF 2020I don't like needles [50]read writeup
Houseplant CTF 2020Groovin and Cubin [50]read writeup