Sat, 27 Dec. 2014, 20:00 UTC — Mon, 29 Dec. 2014, 20:00 UTC 


Hamburg, Germany

C3CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

Future weight: 70.00 

Rating weight: 70.00 

Event organizers 

Hi CTFers,

we're happy to announce the 31C3 CTF, which StratumAuhuur will organize during the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg. This Jeopardy style CTF is open to everyone and can be played online. It will start on Dec. 27, 20:00 UTC and last 48h until Dec. 29, 20:00 UTC. As always, don't try to ruin other people's fun.


Twitter: @stratumauhuur


286 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 0xffa 885.000140.000
2 pasten 755.00094.718
3 Dragon Sector 700.00078.701
4 217 540.00060.212
5 Gallopsled 520.00055.130
6 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 490.00050.424
7 penthackon 445.00045.198
8 Tasteless 410.00041.179
9 blue-lotus 365.00036.648
10 HackingForSoju 340.00033.893
11 hxp 300.00030.092
12 0x8F 295.00029.167
13 dcua 285.00027.927
14 0ops 270.00026.356
15 itsgr 265.00025.627
16 BalalaikaCr3w 255.00024.544
17 More Smoked Leet Chicken 250.00023.892
18 245.00023.267
19 Bushwhackers 245.00023.063
20 GoN 240.00022.483
21 MMA 235.00021.921
22 CLGT 235.00021.769
23 !SpamAndHex 235.00021.631
24 0x0 225.00020.713
25 int3pids 225.00020.597
26 Hacknam Style 200.00018.512
27 KITCTF 190.00017.621
28 CISSP Groupies 185.00017.133
29 w0pr 175.00016.256
30 Snatch The Root 175.00016.175
31 Fourchette Bombe 175.00016.100
32 r00tiniers 175.00016.029
33 dodododo 170.00015.568
34 1064CBread 165.00015.110
35 BabyPhD 160.00014.655
36 FluxFingers 160.00014.600
37 gn00bz 160.00014.547
38 SIGINT 160.00014.497
39 WE_0WN_Y0U 160.00014.450
40 Gentlecat 155.00014.010
41 krebs 155.00013.967
42 SegFault 145.00013.136
43 rocketpunch 140.00012.701
44 0xbadf00d 140.00012.664
45 Duvel 135.00012.234
46 SUSlo.PAS 125.00011.409
47 dprk 120.00010.981
48 Samurai 120.00010.950
49 Disgrace 120.00010.920
50 VVVVVV 110.00010.101
51 PiggyBird 105.0009.678
52 GeeksGoneWilde 105.0009.651
53 IngloriousMonkeys 100.0009.230
54 TheGoonies 100.0009.206
55 AFiniteNumberOfMonkeys 100.0009.182
56 sl0th 95.0008.764
57 Spiderz 95.0008.742
58 rqou 95.0008.721
59 c3pb 90.0008.305
60 Sigma 85.0007.890
61 6l0ry 85.0007.871
62 ShellWarp 85.0007.852
63 cyberkastike 85.0007.834
64 DefHackto 80.0007.421
65 Crimson Agents 80.0007.405
66 CodeRed 80.0007.388
67 M.I.S.T. 80.0007.372
68 ChocolateMakers 80.0007.357
69 sherl0ck 75.0006.947
70 L1ght4Freedom 75.0006.932
71 Blue-Lotus-B 75.0006.918
72 nerdmania 75.0006.904
73 BilkentSec 70.0006.496
74 ElectricMonks 70.0006.483
75 CSI 70.0006.470
76 GGG 70.0006.458
77 1338-offbyone 70.0006.446
78 70.0006.434
79 noname 70.0006.423
80 KyivLoafersTeam 70.0006.412
81 madeofsolar 70.0006.401
82 FAUST 70.0006.390
83 lasagna 70.0006.380
84 Last Remnant 65.0005.975
85 9447 65.0005.965
86 chmod777 65.0005.955
87 TRex 65.0005.946
88 Navras 65.0005.937
89 ReBorN 65.0005.928
90 Singularity 65.0005.919
91 Insanity 60.0005.515
92 Epic Leet Team 60.0005.507
93 YetAnotherTeam 60.0005.498
94 nonbei 60.0005.490
95 IKnowc1c1@@ 60.0005.483
96 BioHazard 60.0005.475
97 TeamHoWest 60.0005.467
98 asdfgh 60.0005.460
99 Paranoid Androids 60.0005.453
100 RaZy 60.0005.446
101 xxx 60.0005.439
102 ntauthority 60.0005.432
103 rm -rf [enter] 60.0005.425
104 fixme 55.0005.023
105 Malaita 55.0005.017
106 noop2go 50.0004.615
107 Dystopian Narwhals 50.0004.609
108 robert_tables 50.0004.603
109 sec0d 50.0004.597
110 AFTeam 50.0004.591
111 petite byte 50.0004.585
112 vuls 50.0004.580
113 DigitaleAgenda 50.0004.574
114 Inne_zelki 50.0004.569
115 not found 50.0004.563
116 tomcr00se 45.0004.163
117 OnwardSec 45.0004.158
118 Team31 45.0004.153
119 Darksystem 45.0004.148
120 hu3BR 45.0004.143
121 WizardsOfDos 45.0004.138
122 45.0004.133
123 ninja 45.0004.128
124 OnTheUndersideOfTheArctic 45.0004.124
125 Arrrrr 45.0004.119
126 amn3s1a 45.0004.115
127 wue.noobs 45.0004.111
128 singaporegoldconsult 45.0004.106
129 h0twinter 45.0004.102
130 Nuff Fluff 45.0004.098
131 MoranBong 45.0004.094
132 bono 45.0004.090
133 DeadBattery 45.0004.086
134 backzogtum 45.0004.082
135 No Internet Access 45.0004.078
136 TeamRocket 40.0003.679
137 ArrBas 40.0003.675
138 ZeUberKittens 40.0003.671
139 h4ck3s 40.0003.667
140 verr 40.0003.664
141 nopple 40.0003.660
142 pondies 40.0003.657
143 m1z0r3 40.0003.653
144 OTA 35.0003.254
145 nfg 35.0003.251
146 ryt 35.0003.248
147 HDUISA_ 35.0003.245
148 7th_in_line 35.0003.241
149 XOROR 35.0003.238
150 getc 35.0003.235
151 pikapika 35.0003.232
152 Hopjesvla 35.0003.229
153 Team Action Kaktus 35.0003.226
154 easysurfer 35.0003.223
155 Jacob 35.0003.220
156 Fluxion 35.0003.217
157 chinsukou 35.0003.214
158 PeterPEN 35.0003.211
159 squaresolo 35.0003.209
160 Rory's Representatives 35.0003.206
161 NOsecurity 35.0003.203
162 Delusions of Grandeur 35.0003.200
163 Suzy 35.0003.198
164 ISITDTU 35.0003.195
165 phaneron 35.0003.193
166 12345 35.0003.190
167 Hawkins 35.0003.188
168 1up 35.0003.185
169 STT 35.0003.183
170 DatGoobs 35.0003.180
171 SSG 35.0003.178
172 alokmini 35.0003.175
173 goldenboys 30.0002.778
174 blacksocks 30.0002.775
175 plsno 30.0002.773
176 Infernale 30.0002.771
177 fdkassel 30.0002.768
178 FlappyPig 30.0002.766
179 Two Man Army 30.0002.764
180 Beagle Harrier 30.0002.762
181 Enjoy 30.0002.760
182 ChrisIsBored 30.0002.757
183 TripleB 30.0002.755
184 BeginBazen 30.0002.753
185 ClevCode Rising 25.0002.356
186 brotha 25.0002.354
187 Batman's Kitchen 25.0002.352
188 kaidtsu 25.0002.350
189 Pwnladin 25.0002.348
190 pro-team 25.0002.346
191 schnitzel 25.0002.344
192 dirac 25.0002.342
193 lolzman 20.0001.945
194 YaTaTeam 20.0001.943
195 GeruzoniAnsasu 20.0001.941
196 HacksInTheBox 20.0001.939
197 WildWolf 20.0001.937
198 Dawn 20.0001.935
199 ByteWeaver 20.0001.934
200 NIS 20.0001.932
201 ******** 20.0001.930
202 CureSecure 20.0001.928
203 CTF-infinit 20.0001.927
204 Drety 20.0001.925
205 SFT 20.0001.923
206 rut 20.0001.922
207 eg1 20.0001.920
208 SGFk 20.0001.918
209 [DATA EXPUNGED] 20.0001.917
210 okudo3 20.0001.915
211 swehack 20.0001.914
212 REU 20.0001.912
213 k.OS 20.0001.911
214 Dusters 20.0001.909
215 mau5 20.0001.908
216 tuat_mcc 20.0001.906
217 r2u 20.0001.905
218 gm 20.0001.903
219 20.0001.902
220 XVHHV 20.0001.900
221 apa 20.0001.899
222 b01lers 20.0001.897
223 jlc 15.0001.500
224 cyb 15.0001.499
225 omakase 15.0001.498
226 RooterX 15.0001.496
227 th3j4ckers 15.0001.495
228 atx 15.0001.493
229 mytim 15.0001.492
230 UscherbGuild 15.0001.491
231 Azaraks 15.0001.489
232 oilheap 15.0001.488
233 EpicTeam 15.0001.487
234 Bitnuts 15.0001.486
235 GoBack 15.0001.484
236 v++ 15.0001.483
237 hmrb 15.0001.482
238 CodeFocus 15.0001.481
239 Zoidbergs 15.0001.479
240 15.0001.478
241 okoyono 15.0001.477
242 JoyTeam 15.0001.476
243 c@t 15.0001.475
244 t2345 15.0001.473
245 RogueCoder 15.0001.472
246 _ 15.0001.471
247 H4ck3rz.AFR 15.0001.470
248 candies 15.0001.469
249 guysinkognito 15.0001.468
250 ZenSecurity 15.0001.466
251 Hackgyver 15.0001.465
252 BlackShark 15.0001.464
253 Sturdy Arch Devils 15.0001.463
254 15.0001.462
255 ccfam 15.0001.461
256 s1i 15.0001.460
257 CALT 15.0001.459
258 D34DC0D3 15.0001.458
259 0x80 15.0001.457
260 team lola 15.0001.456
261 blablabla 15.0001.455
262 I_Can_Has_Cheezburger 15.0001.454
263 PHCN 15.0001.453
264 Wolverine 15.0001.452
265 Makkamassaka 15.0001.451
266 Schnitzeligloo 15.0001.450
267 nios 15.0001.449
268 ab0ut31c3 15.0001.448
269 underscore 15.0001.447
270 forlearn 15.0001.446
271 _23x_ 15.0001.445
272 NULL Life 15.0001.444
273 0n30f0ur 15.0001.443
274 DiGIMON 15.0001.442
275 STAY ZEN 15.0001.441
276 segfaultgonewrong 15.0001.440
277 0neStepBeyond 15.0001.439
278 Team - 15.0001.438
279 vulnhub-ctf 10.0001.042
280 Yuppy 10.0001.041
281 Mainframe 10.0001.040
282 Koibasta 10.0001.039
283 u.l.f 10.0001.038
284 AuPhishYellow 10.0001.037
285 pM0n 10.0001.037
286 hackeergeweer 10.0000.518
M4zDec. 24, 2014, 3:52 p.m.

" Be ready for the hard RE challenge says... ,,

fangblackIDDec. 26, 2014, 12:16 a.m.

wish reward many $$$ :v hehehehe

verrDec. 29, 2014, 10:29 p.m.

great ctf! thanks for organizing!

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