Sat, 13 May 2023, 15:00 UTC — Sun, 14 May 2023, 15:00 UTC 


VolgaCTF Qualifier event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

You will be able to login this event with CTFtime.

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 35.91 

Rating weight: 24.33 

Event organizers 

VolgaCTF is an international interuniversity cybersecurity competition organised by a group of IT enthusiasts in collaboration with the Institute of Informatics, Mathematics and Electronics of Samara University.

VolgaCTF 2023 Qualifier is an online competition. Top teams will be invited to participate in VolgaCTF 2023 Final, which will be held in Samara, Russia.

Sign-up will be opened on April 20th.


140 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 dtl 2554.00048.660
2 C4T BuT S4D 2509.00036.066
3 RedHazzarTeam 2348.00030.478
4 r3kapig 2195.00026.993
5 free_funky_frogs 2149.00025.338
6 SUSlo.PAS 2105.00024.108
7 FaKappa 2055.00023.052
8 Dizzy spell 1894.00021.084
9 N0N@me13 1894.00020.746
10 kks 1695.00018.580
11 FR13NDS TEAM 1695.00018.359
12 Bitaps 1695.00018.174
13 smiley-from-telega 1613.00017.237
14 Red Cadets 1518.00016.199
15 0ops 1508.00015.988
16 bi0s 1414.00014.991
17 b01lers 1414.00014.901
18 WebSpiders 1369.00014.393
19 BinaryBears 1369.00014.322
20 Mazala 1319.00013.782
21 89cr3w 1319.00013.724
22 Broadcasters 1106.00011.642
23 Sing13 1096.00011.499
24 Omsk_Hackers 1088.00011.378
25 4errBb 1088.00011.338
26 HKUSTFirebird 1088.00011.300
27 Cv4k5ie 1088.00011.266
28 cham! 1088.00011.233
29 Drovosec 1081.00011.137
30 SIGAN 1038.00010.699
31 Ядро Гомоморфизма 1038.00010.673
32 l33t1m 1038.00010.649
33 jAvDeD 1038.00010.626
34 Mayas 973.0009.985
35 kls 887.0009.145
36 L0ST GEN 885.0009.107
37 L3ak 885.0009.088
38 GWF 875.0008.976
39 _HT42_ 825.0008.483
40 UnsafeTeam 825.0008.467
41 SiBears 810.0008.310
42 p7dtTrm 810.0008.296
43 %/ch0_3t0\% 800.0008.187
44 jgod0ragqwe 702.0007.240
45 Man In The Middle 647.0006.704
46 0xASI 631.0006.540
47 Mighty Bunch 631.0006.529
48 kanon 623.0006.442
49 Team8 621.0006.412
50 Ibeee 604.0006.240
51 mother.hacker 597.0006.164
52 Ave M 597.0006.155
53 Tanuki squad 594.0006.118
54 SFT0 579.0005.966
55 PBR | UCLA 579.0005.958
56 CySoc 565.0005.817
57 Madoka 459.0004.799
58 Singularity 457.0004.773
59 regru 453.0004.728
60 Pixels 453.0004.721
61 BBhunt3rs 444.0004.629
62 rats 426.0004.451
63 S4t4n_arm0r 417.0004.359
64 infox 410.0004.286
65 MrX13 410.0004.280
66 fu[r]+y cats 403.0004.208
67 bacon2 400.0004.174
68 Team8teen 400.0004.168
69 ARTC 395.0004.115
70 Jungariki 393.0004.091
71 4ip5o3d1 385.0004.010
72 Wani Hackase 385.0004.006
73 qx7 385.0004.001
74 ZeBrains 376.0003.911
75 CXOU 376.0003.906
76 Bushwhackers 366.0003.807
77 Sw4gg100#Dungeon 271.0002.898
78 TeamCC 263.0002.817
79 QarabagTeam 238.0002.575
80 chmods 231.0002.505
81 N$FW 228.0002.472
82 Keva19 223.0002.421
83 noraneco 223.0002.417
84 T5F3C7 223.0002.414
85 Squad_417 223.0002.411
86 Karasique 221.0002.388
87 EXE.1sior 221.0002.385
88 LamaNull 221.0002.382
89 N30Z30N 213.0002.302
90 hakid299 213.0002.299
91 D3ad1y_51n 213.0002.296
92 spoodermao 213.0002.294
93 ShellSec 213.0002.291
94 podles-enjoyers 213.0002.288
95 robot 213.0002.285
96 Void Parrots 204.0002.197
97 Plot_Naduem 204.0002.194
98 tilted 204.0002.192
99 NetBOIS 204.0002.189
100 easy_322 204.0002.187
101 EuRoNiLaDa 204.0002.184
102 AlNiVaLi 204.0002.182
103 14ura 194.0002.084
104 CyberFloppa 194.0002.082
105 pupper > people 194.0002.080
106 Pwn2Root 194.0002.078
107 KOTC 194.0002.075
108 mh.warriors 194.0002.073
109 m0nkeyd0s 182.0001.957
110 ex3CUTE 182.0001.955
111 freelance buddies 182.0001.953
112 M53 172.0001.856
113 Trojan Terminators 172.0001.854
114 suds4131 172.0001.852
115 R04D_TO_0_P01NT 172.0001.850
116 KUDoS 172.0001.848
117 HellraiSErs 172.0001.846
118 SeaTeaFrogs 172.0001.845
119 0xef 172.0001.843
120 badsctr 172.0001.841
121 D4ck3n 172.0001.840
122 c00c00 172.0001.838
123 Zhukolovi 172.0001.836
124 test team please ignore 172.0001.835
125 BeautifulSSSUP 50.0000.671
126 ITCR0x01 50.0000.669
127 SHA-272 10.0000.287
128 BitHunters 10.0000.285
129 securityfirst-yebyun 10.0000.284
130 zzzz 10.0000.282
131 Super_Hackers 10.0000.281
132 %noname_team% 10.0000.280
133 ITeam 10.0000.278
134 Institute of Risk Management and Integrated Security 10.0000.277
135 shonan-space 10.0000.275
136 molcote 10.0000.274
137 BlueCyber Homies 10.0000.273
138 SWT 10.0000.272
139 MrPlufy 10.0000.270
140 ShamePatrol 10.0000.135
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