Sat, 21 Sept. 2024, 06:00 UTC — Sun, 22 Sept. 2024, 06:00 UTC 


IERAE CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 25.00 

Rating weight: 25.00 

Event organizers 

IERAE CTF is the CTF organized by ierae, the CTF team of GMO Cybersecurity by Ierae, Inc.
GMO Cybersecurity by Ierae, Inc. is a Japanese security company with many CTF players. We have been helped by and grown with those CTF players, and now we want to help energize the community.

We will provide seven challenges in the "Homework" category, just for fun.
These challenges are already public as they were provided in the IERAE DAYS 2023 event last year.
Each challenge is only 1pt, so it will not affect to the contest result too much.
Check out the details at !

Also, we got sponsored by OffSec!



10 Amazon gift cards (each worth 3000 yen) will be awarded to 1st place, 7 to 2nd place, and 5 to 3rd place. Please note, however, that they can only be used on
We will also present one Amazon gift card to 7 persons selected by lottery among those who publish a Japanese writeup.
Moreover, 2 rights to take Offsec training courses (each worth $1649) will be awarded to the team that meets the following criteria.

- The team takes first place among teams with students residing in Japan.
- The students will be present at our event IERAE NIGHT.



- 日本在住の学生の方が在籍しているチームであり、それらのチームの中で、1位を獲得する
- 表彰のため、その学生の方が弊社のイベントIERAE NIGHTに出席していただける


222 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 BunkyoWesterns 6873.00050.000
2 💦​ 5964.00034.194
3 TPC 4735.00025.557
4 SUSH1st 4716.00023.404
5 poteti fan club 4188.00020.234
6 Cyber Dark Inferno 3927.00018.451
7 TSG 3879.00017.681
8 Wani Hackase 2987.00013.990
9 steveisacunt 2885.00013.272
10 FCCPC 2735.00012.448
11 noraneco 2460.00011.221
12 rotation 2427.00010.911
13 cold play 2107.0009.587
14 kkkkkkkkkkkkkk 1922.0008.777
15 N30Z30N 1891.0008.545
16 なかよしCTF部 1801.0008.113
17 KUDoS 1792.0007.989
18 vulnlab 1788.0007.893
19 sayonara 1786.0007.812
20 B0NG0R3 1775.0007.706
21 onA1aCarte 1732.0007.490
22 superflip 1732.0007.436
23 olifog 1684.0007.212
24 full_weak_engineer 1671.0007.120
25 /bad 1570.0006.711
26 🐧‎ 1488.0006.374
27 traP 1488.0006.338
28 Hacklava 1478.0006.269
29 A 1477.0006.235
30 superzoo 1477.0006.206
31 W4C0D3 1477.0006.179
32 pickle111 1292.0005.481
33 ippei-chan 1233.0005.243
34 BlackBird 1233.0005.220
35 夜すき焼きするよ 1233.0005.199
36 AkaTonbo 1233.0005.179
37 blue0620 1233.0005.161
38 Malosdaf 1232.0005.139
39 illiIIlilillilil 1204.0005.020
40 Namu 1133.0004.746
41 Empasoft 1110.0004.647
42 shinh 1105.0004.615
43 KDIX.Security 1074.0004.488
44 [H@ck3r.dro7] 1071.0004.464
45 Moris 1071.0004.451
46 wizard_of_skn 1054.0004.377
47 noobs 1052.0004.358
48 B1pr06y-G 1040.0004.304
49 at24 1040.0004.293
50 domdomhacks 1040.0004.283
51 z0udan 1040.0004.273
52 mizore_fuyu 1040.0004.264
53 ikimonozukan 1040.0004.255
54 hamayanhamayan 1037.0004.235
55 SOS 1008.0004.121
56 ZAP 994.0004.062
57 spookies 934.0003.836
58 M06UK0L0 926.0003.799
59 K1 886.0003.646
60 TH3 PL3B5 886.0003.639
61 beginner-pls-be-kind 886.0003.633
62 \C0dE7 886.0003.626
63 トリキで打ち上げ 878.0003.590
64 Cardboard house 878.0003.584
65 skyl4rk 878.0003.578
66 Rinwasyu 878.0003.572
67 toku4388 878.0003.567
68 sknb 855.0003.478
69 ham 855.0003.472
70 Hajimete no onigiri 855.0003.467
71 nk 855.0003.462
72 Nya 855.0003.457
73 obo 855.0003.452
74 ||\sleep 10|| 855.0003.448
75 Don Quijote 822.0003.323
76 Rrrr 822.0003.319
77 Quantum 719.0002.940
78 PARSECT 706.0002.889
79 ONsen 706.0002.884
80 Sbonzi 706.0002.881
81 HaxTac 706.0002.877
82 peepo 693.0002.826
83 Saboten 693.0002.822
84 THE Students 693.0002.818
85 saitama 693.0002.815
86 numeron 693.0002.811
87 0M3G4_SQU4D 693.0002.808
88 Thermae Romae 693.0002.805
89 色即是空 693.0002.802
90 Do Daily Dentifrice 693.0002.799
91 white_cat 666.0002.697
92 bocchitheflag 589.0002.414
93 yy 574.0002.357
94 LOVELETTER 574.0002.354
95 k0kos 571.0002.340
96 aym 547.0002.250
97 bbbbbbbbbbb 547.0002.247
98 PwnerZ 547.0002.245
99 denden 547.0002.242
100 oioioi 547.0002.240
101 Yoyo 544.0002.226
102 VtuberCTFParty 544.0002.224
103 cleaning&clearing 544.0002.221
104 あいうえお 544.0002.219
105 redrock 534.0002.180
106 betan 534.0002.178
107 YOKARO-MON 534.0002.176
108 baramos 534.0002.174
109 labupump 534.0002.172
110 KGUCSL 534.0002.170
111 Xyz 534.0002.168
112 Daylight 534.0002.166
113 onlylonly 534.0002.164
115 catalan 534.0002.160
116 kepsec 534.0002.158
117 ok@ 534.0002.156
118 pr 446.0001.834
119 Swamp 434.0001.789
120 Akku 430.0001.772
121 NightWolf 407.0001.687
122 mm_mm 407.0001.685
123 zeromarea 407.0001.684
124 se4weed 407.0001.682
125 tsuro 397.0001.644
126 robin 394.0001.632
127 tanuki 394.0001.630
128 p3 394.0001.628
129 iirob 394.0001.627
130 HomeAlone 394.0001.625
131 侵入者の集い 394.0001.624
132 YurikoPower 385.0001.590
133 Psytofu 385.0001.588
134 xxx 385.0001.587
135 cyber_tornato 385.0001.586
136 DOGofGOVERNMENT 385.0001.584
137 linguo_ok 385.0001.583
138 Kn0x 385.0001.582
139 sonax99 385.0001.580
140 EachLove3 385.0001.579
141 koko 385.0001.578
142 hazy 355.0001.467
143 OAO 335.0001.393
144 Turkey 299.0001.261
145 WeAre 299.0001.260
146 HCS 285.0001.208
147 Ollie 285.0001.207
148 u74 284.0001.202
149 Hawaii22 284.0001.201
150 Sanji 271.0001.152
151 ByteF0rc3 262.0001.119
152 ssmt 245.0001.056
153 CS2 245.0001.055
154 Team Nyanpontan 245.0001.054
155 kanbedon 245.0001.052
156 Check1n 245.0001.051
157 Jojo 245.0001.050
158 k2 245.0001.049
159 haw 245.0001.048
160 inugami 245.0001.047
161 ntso 245.0001.046
162 BITSkrieg 245.0001.045
163 abenbenTa 245.0001.045
164 yukichi 245.0001.044
165 beginners 245.0001.043
166 kenyanman 245.0001.042
167 Pixel Phantoms 245.0001.041
168 teamC 245.0001.040
169 Zero Day Patients 245.0001.039
170 Evex Developers 245.0001.038
171 kakur41 245.0001.037
172 0p3n_s0c13ty 245.0001.037
173 15h 245.0001.036
174 MENGXINLIN 245.0001.035
175 h4n13_solo 245.0001.034
176 hatomato 245.0001.033
177 ctfrrteam 245.0001.032
178 NYANPON 245.0001.032
179 Cyrex 245.0001.031
180 いまい 245.0001.030
181 kairosu 245.0001.029
182 h01h22 245.0001.029
183 t3st 245.0001.028
184 kgrzk2024 245.0001.027
185 Sgalone 245.0001.026
186 kt 245.0001.026
187 candy 245.0001.025
188 team_akyon 245.0001.024
189 haha 245.0001.023
190 CySec 245.0001.023
191 何も知らんけど、みんな出るなら俺も出るか。 245.0001.022
192 RiST 245.0001.021
193 nodokaha 245.0001.021
194 colleirose 245.0001.020
195 BoBon 245.0001.019
196 Kelas King 245.0001.019
197 20240922 245.0001.018
198 FlyingMelonPan 245.0001.017
199 Deepshallow 245.0001.017
200 srsd 245.0001.016
201 nkp 193.0000.826
202 Endless 162.0000.713
203 noobettin 162.0000.712
204 @here test2 162.0000.712
205 abcd 162.0000.711
206 bet75 140.0000.631
207 ri5e 140.0000.630
208 test 123.0000.568
209 ZTeming 123.0000.567
210 MMM 123.0000.566
211 okGoogle 123.0000.566
213 kane 122.0000.561
214 TOMS 122.0000.561
215 Singapore Students Merger 122.0000.560
216 Midnight_Turkey 122.0000.560
217 tti 122.0000.559
218 fzhshzh 122.0000.558
219 emp3r0r10 122.0000.558
220 alo123 122.0000.557
221 PracticeTeam 122.0000.557
222 bliutech 122.0000.278
223 xbr 122.0000.278
224 KXTI_23 122.0000.278
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