Sat, 08 Feb. 2020, 09:00 UTC — Sun, 09 Feb. 2020, 09:00 UTC 


Codegate CTF Preliminary event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 24.86 

Rating weight: 17.83 

Event organizers 

① Qualification f participation
- The number of participants in final: 4 members at maximum
- The final participants must be chosen among less than 10 people, when registering the preliminary.
- The written infmation in the preliminary registration process, must belong to the participant, himself. (Identification of infmation is required in the phase of final.)
- The identical team is restricted to participate again, in the final contest in general university departments.
② Final Qualifying
- Top 10th ranked teams of preliminary round will go on to the final match
- The final team is supposed to submit the question solving rept within a week, after the result announcement of preliminary contest, the submitted rept will be notified through website.
③ Rule on site
- It is possible to nullify the entire procedures which were done without valid certification in the contest server.
- The entire team team members who have certified the key value through an inappropriate sharing with people besides the final contest participants will be disqualified, regardless of the contest results.
- If the improper behavi is caught, qualification f participation will be stripped away by the authity decision of the contest operation management. the person concerned will also be deprived of the qualification f participation f 3 years later in the CODEGATE contest


<Hacking Competition>
Prize money 30,000,000KRW
Automatically qualified for the CODEGATE 2021

Prize money 10,000,000KRW

Prize money 5,000,000KRW

<Junior Hacking Competition>

Prize money 5,000,000KRW

Prize money 3,000,000KRW

Prize money 2,000,000KRW


279 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 9579.00035.660
2 Balsn 7678.00023.207
3 More Smoked Leet Chicken 7008.00018.988
4 TokyoWesterns 6868.00017.241
5 0ops 6166.00015.043
6 rok 6118.00014.359
7 The_Duck 6118.00013.935
8 CodeRed 5567.00012.591
9 Redbud 5524.00012.263
10 ****** 5416.00011.864
11 Azure Assassin Alliance 5308.00011.501
12 mhackeroni 4666.00010.171
13 Bushwhackers 4638.00010.005
14 ALLES! 4606.0009.847
15 Defenit 3936.0008.515
16 noar 3936.0008.441
17 whitzard_team 3856.0008.226
18 Samurai 3856.0008.168
19 efiens 3679.0007.786
20 Office of the Central Censorship Affairs Commission 3618.0007.626
21 pwnies 3154.0006.720
22 올해는여친생기는팟 2853.0006.121
23 Reverselab 2532.0005.488
24 HackingForSoju 2532.0005.456
25 $wag 2484.0005.337
26 PLUS+ 2484.0005.309
27 Sindaebang 2484.0005.284
28 r3kapig 2484.0005.260
29 수목원 2484.0005.238
30 shibad0gs 2452.0005.158
31 Black Bauhinia 2227.0004.720
32 PFS 2183.0004.621
33 Shellphish 1814.0003.917
34 null2root 1782.0003.841
35 diff 1782.0003.826
36 OSUSEC 1782.0003.812
37 The Flat Network Society 1782.0003.799
38 Corrupted Pwnis 1529.0003.315
39 Hecării, Țuica și Păunii 1449.0003.154
40 0daysober 1404.0003.059
41 HATS Singapore 1112.0002.505
42 tesla 1080.0002.435
43 두번세번 1080.0002.425
44 Spaniards 1080.0002.415
45 fargate 1080.0002.406
46 katagaitai 779.0001.838
47 biscuit 779.0001.829
48 MKD 779.0001.821
49 bootplug 779.0001.814
50 10sec 779.0001.807
51 ivachyou 752.0001.749
52 ID-10-T 747.0001.733
53 MeePwn 720.0001.677
54 guatitasec 670.0001.577
55 SSAT 410.0001.087
56 PoN82_B 410.0001.082
57 Spotless 410.0001.076
58 foo 334.0000.929
59 OpenToAll 77.0000.446
60 dvpdvp 77.0000.440
61 fzhshzh 77.0000.436
62 hiko-ki 77.0000.431
63 FITSEC 77.0000.426
64 김애용 77.0000.422
65 perfect blue 77.0000.418
66 막보벼 겁나뵤벼 77.0000.413
67 Isaac 77.0000.409
68 펄이는먼치킨 77.0000.406
69 당산 77.0000.402
70 먼지탱이 77.0000.398
71 ROKhong 77.0000.394
73 77.0000.388
74 warlock_rootx 77.0000.384
76 Trinius 77.0000.378
77 Shh0ya 77.0000.375
78 TeamMODU 77.0000.372
79 TeamRootmi 77.0000.369
80 pwnsuky 77.0000.366
81 BIXOH 77.0000.363
82 SEEDLab 77.0000.361
83 CJK 77.0000.358
84 T^T 77.0000.356
85 피곤하다 77.0000.353
86 RoadPartner 77.0000.351
87 CTFBB 77.0000.348
88 Anything Hack Challenger 77.0000.346
89 터미널3주압수 77.0000.344
90 potbelly 77.0000.341
91 pago 77.0000.339
92 Neko 77.0000.337
94 4lv 77.0000.333
95 D3 77.0000.331
96 PoE 77.0000.329
97 newbie 77.0000.327
98 zeroday 77.0000.325
100 BluffJ 77.0000.322
101 닥터두들리 77.0000.320
104 noraneco 77.0000.315
105 binxtar 77.0000.313
106 스낵면 77.0000.312
107 인생은 독고다이 77.0000.310
108 SWV_L 77.0000.308
109 MeroZemory 77.0000.307
110 실딱이 77.0000.305
111 NoMoreACL 77.0000.304
112 noop 77.0000.303
113 오렌지캬라멜 77.0000.301
114 Dissimudie 77.0000.300
115 5drone 77.0000.298
116 NullNot 77.0000.297
117 Securitgarden 77.0000.296
118 BackToTheWorld 77.0000.294
120 Arizen 77.0000.292
123 JMT 77.0000.288
124 farmingsimulator2015 77.0000.287
125 noname 77.0000.286
126 Newbie_aaa 77.0000.285
127 ./Vespiary 77.0000.284
128 Ne0Lux-C1Ph3r 77.0000.283
129 lAvengersl 77.0000.282
130 4k3l4rr3 77.0000.280
131 N30Z30N 77.0000.279
132 UnKnoWnCheaTs 77.0000.278
133 SealTeam1 77.0000.277
134 4guru 77.0000.276
135 Dokko 77.0000.275
137 Skiddies 77.0000.273
138 DDHC 77.0000.273
139 amatorium 77.0000.272
140 P1LERS 77.0000.271
141 ZHT 77.0000.270
142 SHADOW_OB 77.0000.269
143 Team Steam Stream 77.0000.268
144 somedeed 77.0000.267
146 mikoan 77.0000.265
147 h4ck7u5 77.0000.265
148 s1s1s1 77.0000.264
149 The Half Crunchy 77.0000.263
150 호빵이 77.0000.262
151 lost+found 77.0000.261
152 noob_noob 77.0000.261
153 로또1등vs코드게이트1등 77.0000.260
154 Lorem Ipsum 77.0000.259
155 104401 77.0000.258
156 qurioisity 77.0000.258
157 Mayas 77.0000.257
158 blueship 77.0000.256
159 Deadlock Team 77.0000.255
160 Spikers 77.0000.255
161 컹쓰 77.0000.254
162 555+ 77.0000.253
163 DanderMufflin 77.0000.253
164 umyeon 77.0000.252
165 HARIBO 77.0000.251
166 banjjak123 77.0000.251
167 Wagmteiy 77.0000.250
168 CyberYoddha 77.0000.249
169 samanshf 77.0000.249
170 bolgia4 77.0000.248
171 empty-jack 77.0000.248
172 GH05T5 77.0000.247
173 NorthWest 77.0000.246
174 Lost in Bytes 77.0000.246
175 QultoftheQuantumQapybaras 77.0000.245
176 kb 76.0000.243
177 enTaris 76.0000.242
178 banana 50.0000.193
180 MagicTeam1 50.0000.192
181 감자탕 50.0000.192
184 The Shark Family 50.0000.190
185 nyancat 50.0000.189
186 w9w9 50.0000.189
187 BUGGED 50.0000.188
188 AlumniFilkomUB 50.0000.188
189 bobgil 50.0000.187
190 RedZone 50.0000.187
191 Ch3xMat3 50.0000.186
192 PowerColt 50.0000.186
193 what 50.0000.185
194 Aituglo 50.0000.185
195 DoubleS1405 50.0000.185
196 jammy 50.0000.184
197 Shonan 50.0000.184
198 pewpewpew 50.0000.183
199 gilgil 50.0000.183
200 TeamDragon 50.0000.182
201 FireShadows 50.0000.182
203 3g1c3 50.0000.181
204 newbie23 50.0000.180
205 Toumin 50.0000.180
206 Godf4th3r 50.0000.180
207 whitehacker 50.0000.179
208 0x325 50.0000.179
209 SundayParan0ids 50.0000.178
210 Al3x2 50.0000.178
211 beerpwn 50.0000.178
212 DSTii 50.0000.177
217 BlyatNigg3rs 49.0000.173
219 z_test 28.0000.134
220 slepber 28.0000.133
221 문제풀어보자 28.0000.133
222 pangyo-dong_spicy_punch 28.0000.132
223 struct.unpack 28.0000.132
224 p4 28.0000.132
225 yummy 28.0000.131
226 NSA_n00bs 28.0000.131
228 ayyy 28.0000.130
229 green_mosses 28.0000.130
230 gruf 28.0000.130
233 hardcoreit 28.0000.129
234 kkulkkul 27.0000.126
235 PoN82 27.0000.126
237 (CR4)ZY 1.0000.077
238 b01lers 1.0000.077
239 Gorani 1.0000.076
240 daebooms 1.0000.076
243 코로나저리가 1.0000.075
245 Contrail 1.0000.075
246 onotch 1.0000.074
248 hpt 1.0000.074
249 stypr 1.0000.073
251 h232ch 1.0000.073
253 PIS.PinGoBangBang 1.0000.072
254 Cyber Security Leaks 1.0000.072
256 TrojanWarriors 1.0000.072
257 $$ 1.0000.071
258 millionaire 1.0000.071
260 test 1.0000.070
261 Xx.DEC.xX 1.0000.070
262 Kavengers 1.0000.070
263 DropperSec 1.0000.070
264 0dayparade 1.0000.069
266 진돗개 1.0000.069
267 The Additional Payphones 1.0000.069
268 Harekaze 1.0000.068
270 오렌지캬라멜로 1.0000.068
273 Warswan 1.0000.067
274 Bo 1.0000.067
275 Sleepy 1.0000.067
276 가즈아 1.0000.066
277 D4mianWayne 1.0000.066
278 sakanuts 1.0000.066
279 Team Lost 1.0000.033
280 0xhelium 1.0000.033
282 TheOlympus 1.0000.033
283 The BozKurds 1.0000.032
284 BuGErr0rJubJub 1.0000.032
285 Molded_Security 1.0000.032
286 FatigueParty 1.0000.032
287 newbies 1.0000.032
288 Server 1.0000.032
289 asdd 1.0000.032
290 SuperCornago 1.0000.032
291 stankc 1.0000.032
292 HNGGNG 1.0000.031
293 Venom 1.0000.031
294 p4ssw0rd 1.0000.031
295 skensita 1.0000.031
296 caxuyc 1.0000.031
298 친구구함 1.0000.031
299 영산홍 1.0000.031
300 F055il215 1.0000.031
302 TheDigitalsForensiks 1.0000.030
304 Akatsuki 1.0000.030
305 passwordis1q2w3e4r! 1.0000.030
306 Flok11 1.0000.030
308 KKN Back To Isekai 1.0000.030
309 Cyber Grizzlies 1.0000.030
311 cv3 1.0000.030
312 Teacish 1.0000.030
314 심심풀이 1.0000.029
315 NULL 1.0000.029
316 BisonSquad 1.0000.029
318 random 1.0000.029
319 alexander 1.0000.029
320 trenchesofit 1.0000.029
321 NoTeam 1.0000.029
322 naidneelttil 1.0000.029
324 1.0000.028
k4at3034Jan. 19, 2020, 5:01 p.m.

not getting the registration email

ZaxiomsFeb. 3, 2020, 3:52 p.m.

I'm not getting the registration email either. We just register through the website, right?

mattaFeb. 5, 2020, 8:39 a.m.

According to notice on the public website, this event will start at 09:00 KST (0:00 UTC), not 18:00 KST(09:00 UTC).

ragingstarFeb. 6, 2020, 10:07 a.m.

Name: ragingstar

CODEGATEFeb. 7, 2020, 9:31 a.m.

This event will start at 09:00 KST(0:00 UTC).

Sorry about your inconvenience.

WGHFeb. 7, 2020, 10:21 a.m.

The countdown on the page is also wrong, as it assumes 9 AM visitor's local time.

reminthinkFeb. 8, 2020, 9:58 a.m.

not getting the registration email

Krystal_SchwartzFeb. 8, 2020, 5:11 p.m.

says already registered, never received confirmation email, unable to login

En1gmaFeb. 9, 2020, 3:43 a.m.

please send to me writeup about Malicious 701 pts and my gmail:
thank you :)

SpaceCatFeb. 9, 2020, 9:40 p.m.

why didn't the results CTF load on the team page?!

AdiPratama15Feb. 11, 2020, 10:55 p.m.

why there's stil no scoreboard?

SpaceCatFeb. 21, 2020, 7:09 p.m.

Forgiveness, but can I unload the junior table too ?!
I would like to get a rating and a place \ points so that they are visible.

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