Fri, 28 Sept. 2012, 14:00 UTC — Sun, 30 Sept. 2012, 14:00 UTC 


CSAW CTF Qualification Round event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

Future weight: 40.00 

Rating weight: 40.00 

Event organizers 

CSAW CTF is a entry-level CTF, designed for undergraduate students who are trying to break into security. Challenges are specifically designed to point students in directions that will help them understand fundamental concepts and develop practical skills. Our sponsors are big players in the security field, who are serious about hiring the right people with the right skills. Our judges are world-renowned experts in the security field, who are dedicated to making sure that our challenges are designed to test these skills.


Top 10 Undergraduate teams from the United States and Canada who play according to the Competition Rules will be flown to New York to play in the Final Round.


633 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 LSE 8500.00080.000
2 NULL Life 8500.00060.000
3 Neg9 8500.00053.333
4 Eindbazen 8500.00050.000
5 CLGT 8500.00048.000
6 pwnies 8500.00046.667
7 8500.00045.714
8 Delusions of Grandeur 8500.00045.000
9 More Smoked Leet Chicken 8500.00044.444
10 ForbiddenBITS 8500.00044.000
11 Fourchette Bombe 8500.00043.636
12 Robot Mafia 8500.00043.333
13 ACME Pharmaceuticals 8100.00041.195
14 w3stormz 8100.00040.975
15 CCCAC 8100.00040.784
16 0xbadf00d 8100.00040.618
17 PPP1 8100.00040.471
18 0x8F 8100.00040.340
19 disekt 8100.00040.223
20 MadHatters 8100.00040.118
21 RPISEC 8100.00040.022
22 PTHC 7900.00038.995
23 ChocolateMakers 7800.00038.445
24 c00kies@venice 7800.00038.373
25 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 7700.00037.835
26 FluxFingers 7700.00037.774
27 PPP2 7700.00037.717
28 FirstWorldAnarchists 7700.00037.664
29 sutegoma2 7700.00037.615
30 Big-Daddy 7700.00037.569
31 ufologists 7600.00037.055
32 CISSP Groupies 7600.00037.015
33 Team Pong 7400.00036.036
34 Hackademics 7300.00035.529
35 NULLify 7300.00035.496
36 hellokitty 7200.00034.993
37 CSG 7200.00034.963
38 Modern Prometheans 6900.00033.523
39 NYUSEC 6900.00033.496
40 The On-Net Gang 6900.00033.471
41 wildHats 6900.00033.446
42 PPP88 6800.00032.952
43 IngloriousMonkeys 6800.00032.930
44 BUILDS 6500.00031.497
45 Bits For Everyone 6400.00031.007
46 Headump 6400.00030.987
47 CSG 6400.00065.932
48 dcua 6400.00030.951
49 BeginBazen 6400.00030.934
50 Layer12 6300.00030.447
51 Kimchim4n 6300.00030.431
52 RPISEC3 6300.00030.416
53 BTF4CTF 6300.00030.402
54 Undergroundz 6300.00030.388
55 Tower of Hanoi 6200.00029.904
56 PwningYeti 6200.00029.891
57 Layer8 6100.00029.408
58 fangAflaggaN 6100.00029.396
59 blue-lotus 6000.00028.913
60 Pony 6000.00028.902
61 disekt 6000.00069.114
62 Hacking Alpacas 6000.00028.880
63 MiT 6000.00028.870
64 blah 6000.00028.860
65 Tracer Tea 5900.00028.380
66 pumpernikiel 5900.00028.371
67 Honeypot 5700.00027.421
68 WeLoveCP 5700.00027.412
69 Tasteless 5600.00026.933
70 tonko2 5600.00026.924
71 WCSC 5500.00026.446
72 bi0s 5500.00026.438
73 TShellz 5500.00026.430
74 MLP 5500.00026.423
75 mtv 5400.00025.945
76 Kaite 5400.00025.938
77 JigCSAW! Do you want to play a game? 5400.00025.931
78 n0l3ptr 5400.00025.925
79 w3b0n3s 5400.00025.918
80 PeterPEN 5400.00025.912
81 TUH 5300.00025.435
82 Zenk-Security 5200.00024.958
83 SiBears 5200.00024.953
84 Cyber Defense Action League 5200.00024.947
85 alcapwn 5200.00024.941
86 Antichat 5100.00024.465
87 xigua2 5100.00024.460
88 brooklynt Overflow 02 5100.00024.455
89 PeakChaos 5100.00024.449
90 he forgot the passwd? 5100.00024.444
91 C.o.P 5100.00024.440
92 0ffx0ne 5100.00024.435
93 msc 5000.00023.960
94 Keysec 5000.00023.955
95 w0pr 5000.00023.950
96 Team Less Hillarious 4900.00023.475
97 anesec 4900.00023.471
98 GoN 4900.00023.467
99 Team AFK 4900.00023.463
100 Dingo Army 4900.00023.459
101 Resonance Cascade 4900.00023.455
102 katagaitai 4900.00023.451
103 smokedbaconstripes 4900.00023.447
104 The Cat is #1!! 4900.00023.443
105 1338-offbyone 4900.00023.440
106 fixme 4900.00023.436
107 blindp0wn3rs 4800.00022.962
108 GreenTea 4800.00022.959
109 p03p0wn 4800.00022.955
110 ReallyNonamesFor 4800.00022.952
111 PPP3 4800.00022.949
112 Velutinous 4700.00022.475
113 keva 4700.00022.472
114 Knightsec 4700.00022.469
115 0x4F 4600.00021.995
116 letm 4600.00021.992
117 rm -rf 4600.00021.989
118 f1f713c9e000f5d3f280adbd124df4f5 4500.00021.515
119 Magic Hat 4500.00021.513
120 Decepticrons 4500.00021.510
121 pruts.ERS 4500.00021.507
122 /dev/zero 4400.00021.034
123 0-Day Saints 4400.00021.031
124 jelle 4400.00021.028
125 Apple (please don't sue) 4400.00021.026
126 avAtors 4300.00020.553
127 SMU SSIG 4300.00020.550
128 SmoothNOPerators 4300.00020.548
129 GTFO 4200.00020.075
130 bustaMOV 4200.00020.072
131 delopia 4200.00020.070
132 Lobotomy 4200.00020.068
133 HD4 4100.00019.595
134 BananaExtreme2 4100.00019.593
135 ... 4100.00019.590
136 Shellmates 4100.00019.588
137 vubar 4000.00019.116
138 pentsec 4000.00019.113
139 Antichat 4000.00043.576
140 4563fc4cdf337bc5bece45dc1757b42d 4000.00019.109
141 depaulsecdaemons 4000.00019.107
142 emfire 3900.00018.635
143 BlackCompany 3900.00018.633
144 DW:AC 3900.00018.631
145 xbios 3900.00018.629
146 ZM4LW4R3 3900.00018.627
147 recursive_rovers 3900.00018.625
148 Arc 3900.00018.623
149 xelenonz 3900.00018.621
150 captchaflag 3800.00018.149
151 isc48 3800.00018.147
152 Koibasta 3800.00018.146
153 WikiMinaj 3800.00018.144
154 got root? 3800.00018.142
155 Hashdump 3800.00018.140
156 punev 3700.00017.668
157 dev0id 3700.00017.667
158 The Penguin Experts 3700.00017.665
159 0w1s 3600.00017.193
160 team404 again 3600.00017.191
161 HD2 3600.00017.190
162 SocialGeeks 3600.00017.188
163 ASDF!! 3600.00017.187
164 Team Reboot 3600.00017.185
165 XxX[MLG]SN1P3R_PRO_N0SC0P3[420]XxXx 3500.00016.713
166 0xebfe 3500.00016.712
167 NorseR@g3 3500.00016.710
168 hkkiw0823_ 3400.00016.238
169 jg 3400.00016.237
170 Delorean 3400.00016.235
171 KUICS 3400.00016.234
172 UcefKH 3400.00016.233
173 esuSEC 3400.00016.231
174 EpsilonDelta 3300.00015.759
175 3300.00015.758
176 Sapheads 3300.00015.757
177 Team Hillarious 3200.00015.285
178 Thomas&Dominic 3200.00015.284
179 Ridiculousness 3200.00015.282
180 hx0r 3200.00015.281
181 Stratum0 3200.00015.280
182 HD3 3100.00014.808
183 Recursion 3100.00014.807
184 Proceed With Caution 3100.00014.806
185 SigSegV 3100.00014.804
186 TravestiSec 3100.00014.803
187 Mr.Ng 3100.00014.802
188 Nawak 3100.00014.801
189 PoisonedBytes 3100.00014.800
190 3100.00014.799
191 AbertayHackers1 3100.00014.798
192 Wechall 3100.00014.797
193 c4 3100.00014.795
194 superflip 3100.00014.794
195 UiPC 3100.00014.793
196 Mogul 3000.00014.322
197 RUI 3000.00014.321
198 HighFive 3000.00014.320
199 IHTeam 3000.00014.319
200 bins&beers 3000.00014.318
201 LCBears 3000.00014.317
202 UTACSEC 2900.00013.845
203 kknock 2900.00013.844
204 Team LLAMA 2900.00013.843
205 H3xRay 2900.00013.842
206 C5 2900.00013.841
207 Party in the CIT 2800.00013.370
208 IO 2800.00013.369
209 IND 2800.00013.368
210 Pandora 2800.00013.367
211 BlackWhite 2800.00013.366
212 C3RT-1S 2800.00013.365
213 KSDA 2800.00013.364
214 snapteam 2800.00013.363
215 Cyber Security Athenaeum 2800.00013.363
216 Khan Solo 2800.00013.362
217 attackresearch 2800.00013.361
218 abc 2700.00012.889
219 ISU Cyber Cthulu 2 2700.00012.889
220 Threat Level Midnight 2700.00012.888
221 WildRide 2700.00012.887
222 reliks 2700.00012.886
223 pHZero 2700.00012.885
224 Itonox 2700.00012.884
225 SBCS 2700.00012.884
226 HashBang 2700.00012.883
227 raw 2600.00012.412
228 DSUCyberCorps 2600.00012.411
229 Aykiz 2600.00012.410
230 mwcs 2600.00012.409
231 Game Genie 2600.00012.408
232 Binary 2600.00012.408
233 VxM 2600.00012.407
234 XLII 2600.00012.406
235 koki423 2500.00011.935
236 nubian 2500.00011.934
237 MiSec 2500.00011.933
238 mferrell 2500.00011.933
239 stackdump 2500.00011.932
240 6l0ry 2500.00011.931
241 leo 2500.00011.931
242 Cyberguru 2500.00011.930
243 Security First 2500.00011.929
244 pktkosakuin 2400.00011.458
245 mailinator 2400.00011.457
246 Sheip 2400.00011.457
247 BlackStack 2400.00011.456
248 ThisOnesForJulio 2400.00011.455
249 ProgSoc 2400.00011.455
250 GoinSolo 2400.00011.454
251 Saturdays_Are_InCluded 2400.00011.453
252 Revenge of the Capons 2400.00011.453
253 #Insanity 2300.00010.982
254 isc 2300.00010.981
255 Cheddar Horseman 2300.00010.980
256 PwnState 2300.00010.980
257 p4gE2 2300.00010.979
258 partyOfOne 2300.00010.979
259 NoTime 2300.00010.978
260 fscDVA 2200.00010.507
261 IMT3501 2200.00010.506
262 402 2200.00010.506
263 retropx 2200.00010.505
264 whitewidow69 2100.00010.034
265 norealname 2100.00010.033
266 aegis 2100.00010.033
267 Wall 2100.00010.032
268 Flying Chaos Monkeys 2100.00010.032
269 zerone 2000.0009.560
270 Binary Bandits 2000.0009.560
271 Shinpaku 1900.0009.089
272 raidersec 1900.0009.088
273 Niggaz With Attitude 1900.0009.088
274 Harpia 1900.0009.087
275 lolmuffins 1800.0008.616
276 HD5 1800.0008.616
277 westcoastbestcoast 1800.0008.615
278 Costanza Extravaganza 1800.0008.614
279 N@siKBujang 1800.0008.614
280 DAFTHACK 1800.0008.613
281 hyprwired 1800.0008.613
282 invapid 1700.0008.142
283 WeLoveCP2 1700.0008.141
284 CUTigers 1700.0008.141
285 Jimmy Jam and the Hoagies 1700.0008.140
286 Iframer 1700.0008.140
287 gigabit 1700.0008.139
288 CureSecure 1700.0008.139
289 ANONYMOUS 1700.0008.138
290 Last G 1700.0008.138
291 Mayank 1700.0008.137
292 RDh9 1600.0007.666
293 talentjuice 1600.0007.666
294 underD0g 1600.0007.665
295 0ffx0neGrad 1600.0007.665
296 Cl0wn 1600.0007.665
297 The Whole #! 1500.0007.194
298 BroCTF 1500.0007.193
299 SCDT 1500.0007.193
300 xNinja1337 1500.0007.192
301 Kernel Sanders 1500.0007.192
302 wickedteam 1500.0007.191
303 slidenops 1500.0007.191
304 Reckless_Endowment 1500.0007.190
306 kiLLaBEEz 1500.0007.190
307 A06 1500.0007.189
308 nasi lemak 1500.0007.189
309 n0h 1400.0006.718
310 Patient Zero 1400.0006.717
311 MEH 1400.0006.717
312 3PiC_F@iL 1400.0006.716
313 lokisTrain 1400.0006.716
314 Odin's Beard 1300.0006.245
315 Gheor 1300.0006.245
316 Insanity 1300.0006.244
317 derpderp 1300.0006.244
318 undefined 1200.0005.773
319 [TechnoPandas] 1200.0005.772
320 SiGLabs 1200.0005.772
321 MissingSemiColons 1200.0005.772
322 Element Modulus 1200.0005.771
323 005 1200.0005.771
325 vand 1200.0005.770
326 haynesacademy 1200.0005.770
327 Alexeon 1200.0005.769
328 IPv Lobo 1200.0005.769
329 DarkDragons 1200.0005.769
330 Gushing Grandmas 1200.0005.768
331 RaceAgainstCTF 1200.0005.768
332 Emil 1200.0005.768
333 SsoMac 1200.0005.767
334 nesvarbu 1100.0005.296
335 xffox 1100.0005.296
336 cman 1100.0005.296
337 cspr 1100.0005.295
338 team_pure 1100.0005.295
339 RippiNTearin 1100.0005.294
340 VTCSec 1100.0005.294
341 A.S.R 1100.0005.294
342 3LRVS 1100.0005.293
343 Tetazoo 1000.0004.823
344 MyTeam 1000.0004.822
345 Barely There 1000.0004.822
346 BrokenRegister 1000.0004.821
347 TeamUIS 1000.0004.821
348 San Diego Cyber Defenders 1000.0004.821
349 Team Deer 1000.0004.820
350 4RGOS 1000.0004.820
351 Governators_ 1000.0004.820
352 PEN15 1000.0004.820
353 ratatui 1000.0004.819
354 CySec 1000.0004.819
355 ginrummy 900.0004.348
356 thorungla 900.0004.348
357 Techbrunch 900.0004.347
358 BannedFromComputerLab 900.0004.347
359 muteprinter 900.0004.347
360 The DHARMA Initiative 900.0004.346
361 Aggie 900.0004.346
362 Team VanDyke 900.0004.346
363 Ravens 900.0004.345
364 testteam 900.0004.345
365 littlerascal 900.0004.345
366 Kaipi 900.0004.345
367 n2305 900.0004.344
368 phack 900.0004.344
369 Vlad 800.0003.873
370 Team Scott 800.0003.873
371 Purdue Cyber Forensics 800.0003.873
372 Pi2e 800.0003.872
373 NorthernLights 800.0003.872
374 CardinaL 800.0003.872
375 mlmHackYou 800.0003.871
376 0x000 800.0003.871
377 Inception 800.0003.871
378 SoF 800.0003.871
379 evandrix 800.0003.870
380 cipotes 800.0003.870
381 matthex 800.0003.870
382 BJA 800.0003.869
383 SOCMONKYS 800.0003.869
384 CTF-infinit 800.0003.869
385 lei off mei bak 800.0003.869
386 Crime Solutions 800.0003.868
387 Alpha Queue 800.0003.868
388 Infinite 800.0003.868
389 chicky 700.0003.397
390 Sparkly Unicorns 700.0003.397
391 InKryptz 700.0003.396
392 haikju 700.0003.396
393 inj3ct0r 700.0003.396
394 fuffa 700.0003.396
395 UB 700.0003.395
396 manaria 700.0003.395
397 The Hoffs 700.0003.395
398 Jimmy Jam and the Subs 700.0003.395
399 Fernet&Coca 700.0003.394
400 Bongusto 700.0003.394
401 warl0ck 700.0003.394
402 dantre 700.0003.394
403 hypon 700.0003.393
404 StackedOut 700.0003.393
405 Tanner & Chris 700.0003.393
406 /dev/trolls 700.0003.393
407 spear 600.0002.922
408 hst 600.0002.922
409 hiyokko 600.0002.921
410 Eta Beta Pi 600.0002.921
411 controlGroup 600.0002.921
412 Raven33 600.0002.921
413 Spoonman 600.0002.920
414 Syscall 600.0002.920
415 thepcnerd007 600.0002.920
416 cyberiron 600.0002.920
417 Eulerians 600.0002.919
418 Big Bytes 600.0002.919
419 Elviswong 600.0002.919
420 TeamProtect 600.0002.919
421 wyman 600.0002.919
422 NoTeam 600.0002.918
423 KEEPER_Newbie 600.0002.918
424 neuromancers 600.0002.918
425 ISUSEC 600.0002.918
426 Kernel Sanders 600.00010.109
427 yunjjang92 600.0002.917
428 TeamTom 600.0002.917
429 Alphard 600.0002.917
430 doh 600.0002.917
431 wuntee 500.0002.446
432 HackingOff 500.0002.446
433 squirrel_jam 500.0002.445
434 SouLo 500.0002.445
435 CSFresh 500.0002.445
436 Bottle Cap 500.0002.445
437 Flying Solo 500.0002.444
438 webster 500.0002.444
439 Structure 500.0002.444
440 OffxOne 500.0002.444
441 Activalink 500.0002.444
442 nextab 500.0002.443
443 IDBSTesting 500.0002.443
444 Gahaha 500.0002.443
445 trashthestack 500.0002.443
446 n0n0 500.0002.443
447 LoneStaRR 500.0002.442
448 #hashoman 500.0002.442
449 TeamRUIRUI 500.0002.442
450 bobloblaw 500.0002.442
451 NobodySpecial 500.0002.442
452 Corvidae 500.0002.441
453 Flat Out 500.0002.441
454 XyberFox 500.0002.441
455 YJSNPI 500.0002.441
456 mimirex 500.0002.441
457 Me 500.0002.440
458 Phi Psi RIT 500.0002.440
459 ACBRS 500.0002.440
460 Scrambles 500.0002.440
461 Limca 500.0002.440
462 LowNoiseHG 500.0002.440
463 qwerty123 500.0002.439
464 Big O Majors 400.0001.969
465 _r3b3L 400.0001.968
466 Hermes 400.0001.968
467 nyupoly1 400.0001.968
468 Aardvark 400.0001.968
469 how do i hack web 400.0001.968
470 GGNORE 400.0001.967
471 Lazerwolf 400.0001.967
472 Sharingan 400.0001.967
473 Bosfor 400.0001.967
474 hba 400.0001.967
475 asdf 400.0001.967
476 HQS 400.0001.966
477 the Opposite of Elite 400.0001.966
478 wizme 400.0001.966
479 mchandx 400.0001.966
480 AccountPassIsPassword 400.0001.966
482 jasamtest 400.0001.965
483 paullymorphik 400.0001.965
484 SDSLabs 400.0001.965
485 hmadrwx 400.0001.965
486 lastplace 400.0001.965
487 wonda-morning-shot 400.0001.964
488 kintai 400.0001.964
489 ShortStack 400.0001.964
490 ravikishore 300.0001.493
491 cyber-punk 300.0001.493
492 Trolol 300.0001.493
493 kai 300.0001.493
494 leetkids 300.0001.493
495 KillBill 300.0001.493
496 gegnome 300.0001.492
497 UltiFail 300.0001.492
498 Lords of Insomnia 300.0001.492
499 La_ouiche_team 300.0001.492
500 Badger 300.0001.492
501 gmbmn 300.0001.492
502 N/A 300.0001.491
503 Sex_with_hackers 300.0001.491
504 jake 300.0001.491
505 cooo 300.0001.491
506 GoozBaghali 300.0001.491
507 hls2 300.0001.491
508 chupapandas 300.0001.491
509 sign 300.0001.490
510 yofoyaldi 300.0001.490
511 zkorg 300.0001.490
512 TheLoneUndergrad 300.0001.490
513 Secret 300.0001.490
514 BackTrack and Field 300.0001.490
515 marvelserv 300.0001.489
516 3x3 300.0001.489
517 Phinfinity 300.0001.489
518 CaptchaTheFlag 300.0001.489
519 dp 300.0001.489
520 hitori 300.0001.489
521 CyberHawks 300.0001.489
522 balance 300.0001.488
523 cvorg 300.0001.488
524 TeamNoSkill$ 300.0001.488
525 katara security 300.0001.488
526 Mike 300.0001.488
527 Zer05 300.0001.488
528 One Man High Schooler 300.0001.488
529 marbs 300.0001.487
530 Perdu 300.0001.487
531 hello 300.0001.487
532 unixoperations 300.0001.487
533 0xc0ffeec0de 200.0001.016
534 fingerco 200.0001.016
535 weaimtomisbehave 200.0001.016
536 KeerPich 200.0001.016
537 oc3f6vcf 200.0001.016
538 De La Spuntik 200.0001.016
539 newstar 200.0001.015
540 nitefly 200.0001.015
541 NaN 200.0001.015
542 Contoso Cyber Defense Team 200.0001.015
543 NewtownPuppets 200.0001.015
544 OneGuy 200.0001.015
545 infosecx 200.0001.015
546 exatron 200.0001.014
547 mak 200.0001.014
548 Los Federales 200.0001.014
549 paradox 200.0001.014
550 carboncopy 200.0001.014
551 Tier 1 200.0001.014
552 CougarCS 200.0001.014
553 R3mp1t 200.0001.014
554 actly is dolan 200.0001.013
555 dindon 200.0001.013
556 FTA 200.0001.013
557 QWER 200.0001.013
558 Blum 200.0001.013
559 Disas_Main 200.0001.013
560 theVictor 200.0001.013
561 2thernet 200.0001.012
562 BruteForce 200.0001.012
563 murda 200.0001.012
564 lolwutkacak 200.0001.012
565 leeblue 200.0001.012
566 testmax 200.0001.012
567 KindlyWinTheCTF 200.0001.012
568 nu11 200.0001.012
569 SubZe12o 200.0001.011
570 fuamerica 200.0001.011
571 veeheartsctf 200.0001.011
572 hackbyr0k 200.0001.011
573 Prakhar Prasad 200.0001.011
574 Yoyo 200.0001.011
575 vid$ 200.0001.011
576 p0seidon 100.0000.540
577 shitIforgotMyTeamName 100.0000.540
578 angelkillah 100.0000.540
579 Deadhead_T 100.0000.540
580 C8H10N4O2 100.0000.540
581 Rubberbandits 100.0000.539
582 I.Want.Candy 100.0000.539
583 dannis 100.0000.539
584 ChunkyLover53 100.0000.539
585 RootSecks 100.0000.539
586 Ramrod 100.0000.539
587 TwoSixNine 100.0000.539
588 uki 100.0000.539
589 TheExploiters 100.0000.538
590 Hoffy 100.0000.538
591 grendels_daughter 100.0000.538
592 jimbow143 100.0000.538
593 HeXJuNo 100.0000.538
594 RUHU 100.0000.538
595 Flops 100.0000.538
596 testgogo 100.0000.538
597 JWN 100.0000.538
598 skkuhit 100.0000.537
599 offbaiwon 100.0000.537
600 savNi 100.0000.537
601 SuNiNaTaS 100.0000.537
602 dark han solo 100.0000.537
603 joizel 100.0000.537
604 Athena 100.0000.537
605 Known_unknown 100.0000.537
606 one 100.0000.537
607 Thoth 100.0000.536
608 G0TJC3 100.0000.536
609 Billingsfors 100.0000.536
610 aimene1905 100.0000.536
611 n00bpaulius 100.0000.536
612 H4C 100.0000.536
613 nextnull 100.0000.536
614 pwners 100.0000.536
615 bryce910 100.0000.536
616 IranPentest 100.0000.536
617 ibas-tarantas 100.0000.535
618 HardBas 100.0000.535
619 beggar_bros 100.0000.535
620 pl0it 100.0000.535
621 xigua3 100.0000.535
622 TheBinary100 100.0000.535
623 swesty 100.0000.535
624 24hours 100.0000.535
625 ColonelCalvo 100.0000.535
626 SR 100.0000.534
627 GJH 100.0000.534
628 Nolo 100.0000.534
629 knighthackers 100.0000.534
630 TheEagleLabs 100.0000.534
631 guruTeam2012 100.0000.534
632 Dawgs 100.0000.534
633 Snoopy 100.0000.267
634 dido 100.0000.267
635 GhostdZ 100.0000.267
636 100.0000.267
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